This plugin helps you to upload Android APKs or iOS IPA files to

## How to use

Select **TestFairy iOS/Android** **Uploader** from **Add post-build
action** menu

 ** **

**Job Configuration:**

\* The API Key can be found in [your account

To make sure Jenkins also uploads your iOS dSYMs to TestFairy, configure
the Xcode that builds the app on the Jenkins server to run a special
script. [Follow these

The resulted TestFairy links will be listed in the console output


##### **Important** **for Advanced Uploader only:**** **

-   You should configure the "Path To Keystore file" and the
    corresponding storepass & alias.
-   You should configure "**TestFairy Android
    Environment" **on <http://localhost:8080/configure> for example:

## Custom changelog

In order to add your own changelog or comments, please create a text
file in the following
location: $JENKINS\_HOME/jobs/$JOB\_NAME/builds/$BUILD\_ID/testfairy\_change\_log

The content of this file will override the default changelog.

## Private Cloud / On-Premise support 

In case you are using our Private Cloud or On-Premise product

please define an *TESTFAIRY\_UPLOADER\_SERVER* environment variable.

You can do it by going to **Manage Jenkins** =\> **Configure**

Under section Global Properties, check **Environment
variables checkbox**. Now Jenkins allow us to add key and value pairs.

The name should be *TESTFAIRY\_UPLOADER\_SERVER* and the value will be
your **server domain.**


The following line should be printed at your next job console output: 

``` console-output
"The server will be"


This plugin was developed and open sourced
by [TestFairy](

## Credits

The past plugin was developed by [3Pillar