## Plugin Information


# Assembla Auth Plugin

## Overview

This plugin enables OAuth (see [http://oauth.net](http://oauth.net/))
authentication for [Assembla](https://www.assembla.com/) users to
Jenkins instance using their Assembla credentials and delegate the
authorization to an Assembla space permissions.

## Assembla Security Realm (authentication):

Handles the authentication and acquisition of the Assembla OAuth token
for the connecting user. Takes the client id (Application identifier)
and client secret (Application secret) from the application registration

The entry should look like this:Assembla API uri:
Main url: [](  
Callback url: <>  
Space url name: assembla\_space\_name  
Assembla API uri: by default
is [https://api.assembla.com](https://api.assembla.com/). Do not change
if you are not running a private install of Assembla.

Main url and Callback url: use the url of your jenkins instance instead
of [](

Space url name: has to be set for authorization purposes, replace
assembla\_space\_name with your space's url name

## Assembla Authorization Strategy (authorization):

Jenkins user permissions are based on Assembla permission:

-   Assembla user with ALL permission for space has Jenkins ADMIN
-   Assembla user with EDIT permission for space has Jenkins EDIT
-   Assembla user with VIEW permission for space has Jenkins READ
-   Assembla user with NONE permission for space has NO Jenkins access.

"Admin usernames" field accepts a list of comma separated usernames.
These users will:

-   have Jenkins ADMIN access
-   have external access (access to Jenkins API via basic http auth)
    using their username and API key defined in Jenkins People
    section: <>