A Jenkins plugin to deploy an Azure App Service (currently supports only
Web App).

## How to Install

You can install/update this plugin in Jenkins update center (Manage
Jenkins -\> Manage Plugins, search Azure App Service Plugin).

You can also manually install the plugin if you want to try the latest
feature before it's officially released. To manually install the plugin:

1.  Clone the repo and build:

        mvn package

2.  Open your Jenkins dashboard, go to Manage Jenkins -\> Manage
3.  Go to Advanced tab, under Upload Plugin section, click Choose File.
4.  Select `azure-app-service.hpi` in `target` folder of your repo,
    click Upload.
5.  Restart your Jenkins instance after install is completed.

## Deploy to Azure Web App

### Prerequisites

To use this plugin to deploy to Azure Web App, first you need to have an
Azure Service Principal in your Jenkins instance.

1.  Create an Azure Service Principal through [Azure
    CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/create-an-azure-service-principal-azure-cli?toc=%2fazure%2fazure-resource-manager%2ftoc.json) or [Azure
2.  Open Jenkins dashboard, go to Credentials, add a new Microsoft Azure
    Service Principal with the credential information you just created.

Then create a Web App in Azure portal or through Azure CLI, we support
both [Web
App](https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/Microsoft.WebSite?tab=Overview) (which
is hosted on Windows) and [Web App On

### Deploy to Web App through File Upload

You can deploy your project to Azure Web App by uploading your build
artifacts (for example, `.war or .zip` file in Java).

-   For Java EE apps, [WAR
    will be used.
-   For Java SE apps, [ZIP
    will be used.
-   For other languages, Git will be used.

1.  Create a new freestyle project in Jenkins, add necessary build steps
    to build your code.
2.  Add a post-build action 'Publish an Azure Web App'.
3.  Select your Azure credential in Azure Profile Configuration section.
4.  In App Configuration section, choose the resource group and web app
    in your subscription, and also fill in the files you want to deploy
    (for example, a war package if you're using Java).
5.  There are two optional parameters Source Directory and Target
    Directory that allows you to specify source and target folders when
    uploading files. For example, Java web app on Azure is actually
    running in a Tomcat server. So you should upload you war package
    to `webapps` folder. So in this case, set Target Directory
    to `webapps`.
6.  You can also set Slot Name if you want to deploy to a slot other
    than production.
7.  Save the project and build it, your web app will be deployed to
    Azure when build is completed.

> For Java SE apps, you need to archive a web.config file with your jar
> file in zip format. The basic web.config file example is as below, and
> you need to replace the variable $JAR\_FILE with your own jar file
> name.
>     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>     <configuration>
>      <system.webServer>
>        <handlers>
>          <add name="httpPlatformHandler" path="*" verb="*" modules="httpPlatformHandler" resourceType="Unspecified" />
>        </handlers>
>        <httpPlatform processPath="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"
>            arguments="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dserver.port=%HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT% -jar &quot;%HOME%\site\wwwroot\${JAR_FILE}&quot;">
>        </httpPlatform>
>      </system.webServer>
>     </configuration>

### Deploy to Web App on Linux using Docker

Web App on Linux supports a different way to do the deployment using
Docker. To deploy using Docker, you need to provide a `Dockerfile` that
packages your web app with service runtime into a docker image. Then the
plugin will build the image, push it to a docker registry and deploy the
image to your web app.

> Web App on Linux also supports traditional ways like Git and WAR
> deploy, but only for built-in languages (.NET Core, Java, Node.js, PHP
> and Ruby). For other languages, you need to package your application
> code and service runtime together into a docker image and use docker
> to deploy.

To deploy using docker:

1.  Same as \#1 - \#3 of file upload approach.
2.  Select a Linux web app, choose Publish via Docker.
3.  Fill in Dockerfile path (by default it's `**/Dockerfile`), Docker
    registry URL (leave it empty if you use DockerHub), Registry
4.  Optionally you can specify the docker image name and tag in Advanced
    tab, by default image name is get from the image name you configured
    in Azure portal (in Docker Container setting) and tag is generated
    from `$BUILD_NUMBER`. So please specify the image name in at least
    one place (in Docker Container settings in portal or Docker Image in
    advanced options).
5.  Please also be noted deployment will fail if you're used built-in
    docker image setting. So please first go to Docker Container setting
    in Azure portal to change docker config to use custom image. For
    built-in image, please use file upload approach to deploy.
6.  Similar to file upload approach, you can choose a different slot
    other than production.
7.  Save and build the project, you'll see your container image is
    pushed to your registry and web app is deployed.

## Deploy using Pipeline

You can also use this plugin in pipeline (Jenkinsfile). Here are some
samples to use the plugin in pipeline script:

To deploy a Java web app using file upload:

    azureWebAppPublish azureCredentialsId: '<credential_id>',
                       resourceGroup: '<resource_group_name>', appName: '<app_name>',
                       filePath: '*.war', sourceDirectory: 'target', targetDirectory: 'webapps'

To deploy using docker:

    azureWebAppPublish azureCredentialsId: '<credential_id>', publishType: 'docker',
                       resourceGroup: '<resource_group_name>', appName: '<app_name>',
                       dockerImageName: '<image_name>', dockerImageTag: '<image_tag>',
                       dockerRegistryEndpoint: [credentialsId: '<registry_credential_id>', url: "<registry_url>"]

For advanced options, you can use Jenkins Pipeline Syntax tool to
generate a sample script.

## Swap slots

You can use \`Swap slots for an Azure Web App\` step in \`Post-build
Actions\` to swap slots for your web app.

1.  In your freestyle project, add a post-build action \`Swap slots for
    an Azure Web App\`.
2.  Select your Azure credential in Azure Profile Configuration section.
3.  In App Configuration section, choose the resource group and web app
    in your subscription.
4.  Choose the two slots you want to swap.
5.  Save the project and build it, your slots will be swapped when build
    is completed.

Here is the sample to swap slots in pipeline script:

azureWebAppSwapSlots appName: '\<web\_app\_name\>', azureCredentialsId:

'\<resource\_group\>', sourceSlotName: '\<source\_slot\_name\>',


## Data/Telemetry

Azure App Service Plugin collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft
to help improve our products and services. Read our [privacy
statement](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839) to learn more.

You can turn off usage data collection in Manage Jenkins -\> Configure
System -\> Azure -\> Help make Azure Jenkins plugins better by sending
anonymous usage statistics to Azure Application Insights.

## Changelog

### Version 1.0.0, 2019-06-17

-   Bump Jenkins version to 2.60.3
-   Add support for swapping slots

### Version 0.4.2, 2019-01-07

-   Add all files instead of one by one for git add

### Version 0.4.1, 2018-10-19

-   Fix security vulnerability of jackson-databind

### Version 0.4.0, 2018-09-10

-   Support zip deploy for Java SE applications
-   Add retry logic for war deploy
-   Fix exception for failing to find Azure resources

### Version 0.3.1, 2018-05-30

-   Switch to war deploy for Java apps
-   Add null check for path names when deploy

### Version 0.3.0, 2018-04-03

-   Add an option to skip docker build step (\#25)
-   Restart slot after successful deployment (JENKINS-48191, \#21)
-   Support Java container app on Linux (\#23)
-   Support for credentials lookup
    in [Folders](https://plugins.jenkins.io/cloudbees-folder)
-   Expands variables in source/target directory and slot name (\#24)

### Version 0.2.0, 2018-01-05

-   Support MSI

### Version 0.1.3, 2017-11-07

-   Specify refspec explicitly when doing git push
-   Add Third Party Notice

### Version 0.1.2, 2017-10-18

-   Remove runtime licenses

### Version 0.1.1, 2017-09-30

-   Improve stability of FTP and Docker deploy

### Version 0.1, 2017-07-18

-   Initial release
-   Support deploy to Azure Web App through Git and FTP
-   Support deploy to Azure Web App on Linux through Docker