A Jenkins plugin to use Azure CLI for managing Azure resources.

The advantage of this plugin that it let's you export the CLI result
from each command to environment variables and to the next command.

## How to Install

You can install/update this plugin in Jenkins update center (Manage
Jenkins -\> Manage Plugins, search Azure CLI Plugin).

You can also manually install the plugin if you want to try the latest
feature before it's officially released. To manually install the plugin:

1.  Clone the repo and build:

        mvn package

2.  Open your Jenkins dashboard, go to Manage Jenkins -\> Manage
3.  Go to Advanced tab, under Upload Plugin section, click Choose File.
4.  Select `azure-cli.hpi` in `target` folder of your repo, click
5.  Restart your Jenkins instance after install is completed.

## Deploy & Manage Azure Resources

### Prerequisites

To use this plugin, first you need to have an Azure Service Principal in
your Jenkins instance.

1.  Create an Azure Service Principal through [Azure
    CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/create-an-azure-service-principal-azure-cli?toc=%2fazure%2fazure-resource-manager%2ftoc.json) or [Azure
2.  Open Jenkins dashboard, go to Credentials, add a new Microsoft Azure
    Service Principal with the credential information you just created.
3.  Install [Azure
    CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) in
    the Jenkins Host

### How to use

1.  Select Azure CLI Plugin in the Build Steps.
2.  Select the Azure Service Principal
3.  Type a command such
    as `az vm create -n MyLinuxVM -g MyResourceGroup --image UbuntuLTS --data-disk-sizes-gb 10 20`
4.  You can also use environment
    variables: `az vm create -n ${VM_NAME} -g MyResourceGroup --image UbuntuLTS --data-disk-sizes-gb 10 20`

### Export output as environment variables

The CLI command output is JSON based:


           "fqdns": "",
           "id": "/subscriptions/some-guid/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/MyLinuxVM",
           "location": "northeurope",
           "macAddress": "00-0D-AA-AA-AA-AA",
           "powerState": "VM running",
           "privateIpAddress": "",
           "publicIpAddress": "",
           "properties": {
              "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
           "resourceGroup": "MyResourceGroup"

If you want to export a property to an environment variable that you can
use in other build steps, define the parameters in the "advanced"

1.  `/publicIpAddress|PUBLIC_IP` The '/publicIpAddress' is the path in
    the JSON and the 'PUBLIC\_IP' is the environment variable that will
    be created.
2.  Nested property: `/properties/provisioningState|STATE`
3.  Multiple environment
    variables: `/publicIpAddress|PUBLIC_IP , /properties/provisioningState|STATE`

## [![jenkins2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17064840/29833536-6339620a-8cf4-11e7-9781-f4e33e208ea6.jpg){height="400"}](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17064840/29833536-6339620a-8cf4-11e7-9781-f4e33e208ea6.jpg)

## Deploy using Pipeline

You can also use this plugin in pipeline (Jenkinsfile). Here are some
samples to use the plugin in pipeline script:

To create a new resource group and provision a new VM:

    azureCLI commands: [[exportVariablesString: '', script: 'az group create -n MyResourceGroup --location northeurope'], [exportVariablesString: '/publicIpAddress|PUBLIC_IP', script: 'az vm create -n MyLinuxVM -g MyResourceGroup --image UbuntuLTS --data-disk-sizes-gb 10 20']], principalCredentialId: '<credential_id>'

For advanced options, you can use Jenkins Pipeline Syntax tool to
generate a sample script.

## Deploy using Job DSL

You can also use this plugin with using the Jobs DSL. For example:

To create a linux VM using the CLI:

    job('AzCommand') {
      steps {
                            ['az vm create -n MyLinuxVM -g MyResourceGroup --image UbuntuLTS --data-disk-sizes-gb 10 20 && /publicIpAddress|PUBLIC_IP'])

## Changelog

### Version 0.9 (2018-6-28)

-   Fixed runtime exec in Linux  


### Version 0.8 (2018-6-19)


-   Fixed run in Windows bug

### Version 0.7 (2018-6-4)

-   Disabled print login command

### Version 0.6 (2017-11-3)

-   Fixed pipeline with exported environment variables support

### Version 0.5 (2017-9-8)

-   Added sort commands

### Version 0.4 (2017-8-20)

-   Change env var to ${..}

### Version 0.2 (2017-8-17)

-   Added pipeline support

### Version 0.1 (2017-8-16)

-   Initial release
-   Support Azure CLI 2.0
-   Support export environment variable from each command output
-   Deploy using Job DSL