A Jenkins plugin to deploy VM images to Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets

## How to Install

You can install/update this plugin in Jenkins update center (Manage
Jenkins -\> Manage Plugins, search Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set

You can also manually install the plugin if you want to try the latest
feature before it's officially released. To manually install the plugin:

1.  Clone the repo and build:

        mvn package

2.  Open your Jenkins dashboard, go to Manage Jenkins -\> Manage
3.  Go to Advanced tab, under Upload Plugin section, click Choose File.
4.  Select `azure-vmss.hpi` in `target` folder of your repo, click
5.  Restart your Jenkins instance after install is completed.

## Deploy an VM image to Virtual Machine Scale Sets

### Prerequisites

To use this plugin to deploy an VM image, first you need to have an
Azure Service Principal in your Jenkins instance.

1.  Create an Azure Service Principal through [Azure
    CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/create-an-azure-service-principal-azure-cli?toc=%2fazure%2fazure-resource-manager%2ftoc.json) or [Azure
2.  Open Jenkins dashboard, go to Credentials, add a new Microsoft Azure
    Service Principal with the credential information you just created.

If you haven't created a virtual machine scale set, you can create one
in Azure Portal or through Azure CLI.

You should also provide an VM image for deploy. For custom images, you
can use tool such as [Packer](https://www.packer.io/) to simplify your

### Build Steps

Usually you can organize your deploy process into two steps:

-   Update Scale Sets

    This step updates image setting for specific Virtual Machine Scale
    Sets. Once finished, newly created virtual machines will be
    provisioned with the new image. Currently running machines are not

-   Update Instances

    This step updates specific instances using the latest image setting
    of the scale sets. Instances will be stopped and re-created with the
    new image.

### Pipeline

You can also use this plugin in pipeline (Jenkinsfile). Here are some
samples to use the plugin in pipeline script:

To update scale sets:

    // Update with official image
    azureVMSSUpdate azureCredentialsId: '<credential_id>', resourceGroup: '<resource_group_name>', name: '<name>',
                    imageReference: [offer: 'UbuntuServer', publisher: 'Canonical', sku: '16.04-LTS', version: 'latest']

    // Update with custom image
    azureVMSSUpdate azureCredentialsId: '<credential_id>', resourceGroup: '<resource_group_name>', name: '<name>',
                    imageReference: [id: '/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/<image_name>']

To update instances:

    azureVMSSUpdateInstances azureCredentialsId: '<credential_id>', resourceGroup: '<resource_group_name>', name: '<name>',
                             instanceIds: '1,2,3'

For advanced options, you can use Jenkins Pipeline Syntax tool to
generate a sample script.

## Data/Telemetry

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Plugin collects usage data and sends it
to Microsoft to help improve our products and services. Read
our [privacy
statement](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839) to learn more.

You can turn off usage data collection in Manage Jenkins -\> Configure
System -\> Azure -\> Help make Azure Jenkins plugins better by sending
anonymous usage statistics to Azure Application Insights.

## Changelog

### Version 0.2.1, 2018-04-03

-   Support for credentials lookup
    in [Folders](https://plugins.jenkins.io/cloudbees-folder)

### Version 0.2.0, 2018-01-09

-   Support MSI credentials

### Version 0.1.1, 2018-01-02

-   Fix missing NSG issue after VMSS update

### Version 0.1.0, 2017-11-08

-   Initial release