Backup plugin allows archiving and restoring your Jenkins (and Hudson) home directory. This plugin is searching for a new maintainer! Unfortunately, the current maintainer has no more time to work on this plugin, but there are still [some important issues]( to fix. If you want to take ownership of this plugin, just don't hesitate (please mention that on the mailing list). Want periodic backups? This plugin requires that you manually start it to back up your data. For automated periodic backups, check out the [thinBackup]( plugin. # Description The Backup plugin adds a new **Backup manager** item in the **Manage Jenkins** page. This item allows (cf. screenshot below): - Tweaking backup settings (using the **Setup** link) - Backuping Jenkins's configuration (using the **Backup Jenkins configuration** link) - Restoring Jenkins's configuration from a previous backup (using the **Restore Jenkins configuration** link) ![](docs/images/backup-01.png) Alternatives to this plugin There are two other alternatives to this plugin: - The [SCM Sync configuration plugin]( allows automatically tracking changes brought to the global configuration of Jenkins and to the jobs configuration into a configuration management system (Subversion, etc.). - The [thinBackup]( plugin focuses on backuping Jenkins's global configuration and jobs configuration. It also offers a scheduling feature (if you think the efforts on this plugin and the Backup one should be merged, just notify us!). So pick the one which fits your needs ![(smile)](docs/images/smile.svg) # Version history ## Version 1.6.1 (08/04/2011) - Fixed [JENKINS-5968]( org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException: Failed to read filesystem attributes ## Version 1.6 (12/10/2010) - Added a new **Configuration files (.xml) only** option to backup only configuration files. - Added a new **No shutdown** option to trigger backup without shutting down Hudson. - Added some icons in the **Backup manager** screen. - Fixed [JENKINS-7634]( Hudson backup deletes home directory and hangs. ## Version 1.5 (07/01/2010) - Implemented [JENKINS-6892]( Allow configuration of custom exclusions - Implemented [JENKINS-5305]( It is no more possible to use `tar.gz` and `tar.bz2` compression formats from Windows anymore. - Fixed [JENKINS-5929]( Some images were not displayed. ## Version 1.4.1 (02/21/2010) - Help messages fixed ## Version 1.4 (02/11/2010) - It is now possible to define which files/directories have to saved from jobs' workspaces using a set of Ant includes/excludes patterns (refer to the [@includes of Ant fileset]( for the exact format): ![](docs/images/backup-02.png) ## Version 1.3 - Backup content is now configurable - Only one backup in the same time is possible ## Version 1.2 - Maintenance release to remove a redirection problem on settings form submission when hudson is not the ROOT application (on urls) ## Version 1.1 - Backup should run in the higher security privilege ([report]( - Tar formats supported - Configuration section - File to restore selection ## Version 1.0 (04/10/2009) - Initial realease including manual file selection and ZIP format