## Description Plugin for blocking/unblocking job in queue by some conditions configured in this job. **Features** Built in conditions: - Block job when last build of defined target project is in building status - Block job when last build of defined target project has result Note: conditions has **waterfall priority** so if "unblock" conditions get matching first - job will be unblocked, if not - then next condition will be verified. Provides [@ExtensionPoint ](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Extension+points)so other plugins can provide other block/unblock features ## Changelog [In git repository](https://github.com/jenkinsci/block-queued-job-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) ## Configuration ##### 1. Enable job property a\) Open job configuration ![](docs/images/Screenshot_2015-04-28_16.40.46.png) b\) Press checkbox "Block/Unblock task in queue" ![](docs/images/Screenshot_2015-04-28_16.44.14.png) ##### 2. Add conditions ![](docs/images/Screenshot_2015-04-28_16.47.19.png) ##### 3. Save job