This plugin generates the trend report for [CCCC]( (C and C++ Code Counter). CCCC is a tool which analyzes C++ and Java files and generates a report on various metrics of the code. Metrics supported include lines of code, McCabe's complexity and metrics proposed by Chidamber&Kemerer and Henry&Kafura. # Project Configuration ![](docs/images/cccc_project_conf.png) # Reporting ![](docs/images/cccc_build_conf.png) ![](docs/images/cccc_build_trend.png) # Other - Pmccabe Unfortunately, CCCC is an abandoned and unmaintained project. [Pmccabe]( by contrast is a new and maintained McCabe-style complexity evaluator and sloc counter. There is no Jenkins plugin at the moment but feel free to create it (I can give you some input guidelines). # Changelog ## Release 0.6 (November 24. 2011) \* Fixed [JENKINS-10769]( - NullPointerException on creating Cccc trend graph ## Release 0.5 (August 13, 2011) \* Fixed [JENKINS-10584]( - CCCC Plugin doesn't appear to run for failed builds ## Release 0.4 (May 17, 2011) \* Fixed [JENKINS-4584]( - CCCC plugin fails on non-default root directory ## Release 0.3 (May 09, 2010) \* Technical Upgrade to new Hudson API ## Release 0.2 (April 15, 2009) \* Adding ability to run remote build ## Release 0.1 (April 11, 2009) \* Initial release