This plugin copies change log data to a later build when a build is deleted.Whenever builds are deleted the change log data is lost too. If you save some builds with "keep forever" you only retain the change log of that particular build, but not other interim builds that have been deleted. This plugin watches for deleted builds and copies the change log data to the next existing build. It adds links to view the old change log data in the build page sidebar and in the changes view for projects/builds. ## Changelog ##### Version 1.7 (Oct 24, 2017) - [\[PR-1\]]( Don't accumulate changelog entries on oldest build. ##### Version 1.6 (Aug 17, 2016) - [\[JENKINS-37131\]]( Wrong SVN plugin version dependency. - [\[JENKINS-37473\]]( Upgrade plugin pom to 2.13.  ##### Version 1.4 (Jun 22, 2016) - [\[JENKINS-34795\]]( You must override the newer overload of annotate. ##### Version 1.3 (Mar 29, 2011) - Update for Jenkins. ##### Version 1.2 (Jan 17, 2011) - Added Japanese translation. ##### Version 1.1 (Aug 19, 2009) - Add "More change log history" links in changes view for projects/builds. ##### Version 1.0 (Mar 6, 2009) - Initial release.