# Summary This Plugin will notify the ChatWork any message. [![](https://img.shields.io/jenkins/plugin/v/chatwork.svg)](https://plugins.jenkins.io/chatwork/) [![](https://jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com/buildStatus/icon?job=plugins/chatwork-plugin)](https://jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com/job/plugins/job/chatwork-plugin/) #### Table of content # Usage ### Global Configuration ![](docs/images/1.0.0-global-config.png) ### Job Configuration ![](docs/images/1.0.2-job-config.png) - **Success message** , **Failure message** , **Unstable message** , **Not built message** , **Aborted message** - If message is empty, used Global message - emoticon - chatwork tags   - **Default message** is supported some variables. example - build variables (ex. *$JOB\_NAME* , *$BUILD\_URL* ) - environment variables (ex. *$PATH* , *$JAVA\_HOME* ) - *$BUILD\_RESULT* (ex. *SUCCESS*, *FAILED* ) # Changelog Details ### Version 1.0.9 (Sep 14, 2019) - \[Security\] Save apiKey to Secret field instead of String field - Plain apiKey is automatically encrypted and stored when Global Configuration saving ### Version 1.0.8 (Jan 27, 2017) - Update API version (v2) ### Version 1.0.6 (Dec 1, 2016) - Fix NullPointerException when contains canceled user ### Version 1.0.5 (Mar 23, 2016) - Sanitize special char in room name ### Version 1.0.4 (Nov 11, 2015) - Bugfix causing null value exception when received Github *payload* json (neither PullRequest nor compare) ### Version 1.0.3 (Oct 8, 2015) - Bugfix multibyte garbled ### Version 1.0.2 (Sep 25, 2015) - Remove legacy help ### Version 1.0.1 (Sep 25, 2015) - Add room selection pulldown instead of textbox ### Version 1.0.0 (Mar 8, 2015) - Add build result pattern messages - Add global messages ##### NOTE **Default message** (below v0.6.2) is removed. If upgrade from v0.x to 1.0.0+, **Default message** is copied to **Success message**, **Failure message**, **Unstable message**, **Not built message** and **Aborted message** ### Version 0.6.2 (Jan 22, 2015) - Support variable to room id ### Version 0.6.1 (Jan 14, 2015) - Bugfix: Failed to serialize