This plugin allow you to post customized message to Cisco spark

The content which be published to Cisco spark room can contain
customized content which supports environment vars and some customized
vars, such as BUILD\_STATUS. if the content contain DEFAULT\_CONTENT,,
it will be replaced with BUILD\_STATUS-JOB\_NAME:BUILD\_NUMBER-JOB\_URL.

Any issues you can contact with author: or [Sina

All versions can check the [Maven


The Cisco spark plugin depends on
the [Token-Macro-Plugin](,you
should setup the plugin before using Cisco spark plugin.



**1  How to get room ID:**

1.1  Login Into:  <>

1.2 Click the room you wanted to post message, then you will see the
room ID on URL.

2 ![](docs/images/(1)_Spark_-_Google_Chrome.jpg)

**2 How to get token:**

    use one robot:
    1. access to add one robot and use its "Access token"


    2. invite the robot to your room
    the token will always be valid.

    use your token:
    1. login
    2. click right top position for owner's image to copy "My Access Token"





**3 Snapshots**





# **Version History**


## Version 1.1.1 (September 16, 2017)

1 add new method to get token: add one robot.

    1.1 access to add one robot and use its "Access token".
    1.2 invite the robot to your room
    the token will always be valid.


## Version 1.1.0 (September 16, 2017)

1 add pipeline support. (Thanks to <>)

2 fix the issue:  <>. 
can custome notify content's prefix message

3 add help document for how to get room id

Version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (May19, 2016)

-   Initial release