![](docs/images/codefresh_logo_f_left-nc_(1).png){width="400"} Allows integrating [Codefresh](https://codefresh.io/) docker flow pipelines into your existing Jenkins flows.   ## Features: - Define Codefresh account details (currently limited to a single account) - Trigger Codefresh pipelines as a build step in Jenkins jobs - Codefresh Pipeline ID is concluded automatically from the git repository URL (if git SCM is used in the job) - Another Codefresh pipeline can be selected instead. - Pass environment variables from Jenkins to Codefresh. - Codefresh build logs are presented on Jenkins console output page. - A badge with Codefresh build status and a link to Codefresh build page is shown for each build. - Launch Codefresh composition environments. - Pass environment variables from Jenkins to Codefresh. - Codefresh environment launch logs are presented on Jenkins console output page. - A badge with environment URL shown in build history. - Triggered build URL available as Jenkins env variable - CODEFRESH\_BUILD\_URL. - Launched environment URL available as Jenkins env variable - CODEFRESH\_ENV\_URL (for subsequent testing). - Ability to terminate Codefresh environment as post-build action. - Jenkins Pipeline DSL support : [codefresh step reference](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/codefresh/) ##  Upcoming features: - Display environment status (running/stopped) and link on Jenkins UI. - Live log streaming (currently the logs are presented after Codefresh process finishes) - Enhanced Codefresh docker image tagging from Jenkins pipeline. ### Getting Started: - Define the connection to Codefresh in Jenkins system config (Manage Jenkins-\>Configure system-\> scroll down to find '*Define Codefresh Integration*'). This requires filling out your user name and Codefresh auth token. You can verify the authentication by using the '*Test Connection*' button.     To find your auth token: - - Log in to Codefresh and then open in another tab of the same browser. - Copy your token from the right-hand text field on the Swagger header. Screenshot: ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/32623f74ca6582f8cd95953667d8503d3242b3d0/687474703a2f2f6f746f6d61746f2e6c696e6b2f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031362f30372f53637265656e2d53686f742d323031362d30372d32312d61742d31312e31352e34342d414d2e706e67) - Trigger Codefresh pipeline execution from your freestyle Jenkins jobs: - 'Add Build Step' -\> 'Run Codefresh Pipeline' - By default - this will trigger the pipeline that corresponds to the git repo defined in the job's SCM configuration. - If there's no SCM defined for current job or you would like to trigger a different service pipeline - check the '*Choose service to build*' option. This will present you with drop-down selectable list of all your defined Codefresh pipelines. - Check the 'Set Codefresh Pipeline Variables' option to pass environment variables to the pipeline execution. Screenshot: ![](docs/images/Screen_Shot_2017-08-08_at_6.05.22_PM.png) Once configured - the plugin will trigger Codefresh, run your tests and report the results. On job completion a Codefresh badge will appear next to the build execution. Clicking on it will take you to the build results page on Codefresh: ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/502f233f8fd56fcd5a89c60160f0df31719658f5/687474703a2f2f6f746f6d61746f2e6c696e6b2f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031362f30372f53637265656e2d53686f742d323031362d30372d32312d61742d31312e33392e30342d414d2e706e67) - Launch Codefresh composition environment: - Check the 'Launch a composition' option.  - You will be presented with a drop-down selection list of all Docker compositions you have defined on Codefresh. - Choose one, save configuration and run the build. - Check the 'Set Codefresh Environment Variables' option to pass variables to the launched environment. - If composition launch is successfull - the new envrionment URL will be printed to job console output and made available through a Codefresh green leaves badge on build history. Screenshot : ![](docs/images/Screen_Shot_2017-08-08_at_6.11.59_PM.png)