# Cron Column View column showing the cron trigger expressions that can be configured on a job (Subversion, Scheduled Builds, etc.)This is a ListViewColumn plugin that adds a column to a jobs overview page. The column displays the cron-like expression of each Trigger that can be configured on a job (Subversion, Scheduled Builds etc). Plugin Source: ![](docs/images/Hudson_Plugin_-_Cron_Column.jpg) # How to Use Once you have installed this plugin, you still have to update a view to add this column.  The pages [Changing the Columns of a View](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Changing+the+Columns+of+a+View) and [Editing or Replacing the All View](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Editing+or+Replacing+the+All+View) will show you how. # Changelog ### Version 1.4 (Jun 16 2014) Same as 1.1, just released to make sure it is considered newer than 1.003 (a nonstandard version string). ### Version 1.1 (Jun 12 2014) - Do not show column by default ([JENKINS-23159](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-23159)) #### Version 1.003 (6 Jul, 2010) - Plugin now works with other project types (previously only worked with Freestyle Projects)