A plugin to send a summarised cucumber report to a slack channel. ## Jenkins Pipeline Usage Use within a node block as the example below shows: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre node { stage 'Cucumber Reports' // process cucumber reports step([$class: 'CucumberReportPublisher', jsonReportDirectory: 'target/', fileIncludePattern: '*.json']) // send report to slack cucumberSendSlack: channel: 'test-results-channel', json: 'target/test-results.json' } ``` ## Installation Instructions ### Global Configuration ![](docs/images/global_config.png) ### Job Configuration ![](docs/images/job_config.png) ## Change Log ##### Version 0.8.2 (4th July 2016) - Added ability to add custom text a message ##### Version 0.8.1 (4th July 2016) - Fixed issue with link generation in slack message ##### Version 0.8 (3th July 2016) - Added Jenkins Pipeline Support ##### Version 0.7 (17th Dec 2015) - Added Build Step & Post Build Notifiers - Added Global Config Validation - Implemented common service for sending notifications ##### Version 0.6.1 (17th Dec 2015) - Fixed invalid check for configuration ##### Version 0.6 (16th Dec 2015) - Correctly reading json report file from the workspace directory ##### Version 0.4 (15th Dec 2015) - Initial Release