## Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This plug-in provides Date parameters in two forms. ## Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jenkins version 1.614 or newer is required. (jdk \>= 7.0) ## Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Date Format This is Java style date format. - example1) yyyyMMdd - example2) yyyy-MM-dd ### Default Value You can use two types value #### Java coding style This value support LocalDate, LocalDateTime. but allows only contains plusXXX, minusXXX methods. this value will apply '**Date Format'** when you build. Semicolon is not mandatory. - - example1) LocalDate.now(); - example2) LocalDateTime.now() - example3) LocalDate.now().plusDays(5).minusMonths(1); #### String style In this case. plugin will validate this value to **'Date Format'** - - example1) 2018-05-01 - example2) 01/05/2018 ## Screenshot ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### LocalDate style. ![](docs/images/image2017-6-1_23:29:46.png){width="522" height="277"} ![](docs/images/image2017-6-1_23:28:45.png){width="418" height="223"} ### **String style.** ![](docs/images/image2017-6-1_23:31:5.png){width="496" height="264"} ![](docs/images/image2017-6-1_23:32:10.png){width="354" height="155"} ## History ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##### Version 0.0.4 (Oct 23, 2018) - fixed bug (parameter is lost upon restart). thanks to @PierreBtz ([\#PR-5](https://github.com/jenkinsci/date-parameter-plugin/pull/5)) ##### Version 0.0.3 (Jan 22, 2018) - support LocalDateTime. thanks to @etraikov ([\#PR-2](https://github.com/jenkinsci/date-parameter-plugin/pull/2)) ##### Version 0.0.2 (Jun 29, 2017) - fixed bug (scheduled build problem) ##### Version 0.0.1 (June 2, 2017) - initial release