This plugin adds [Datical DB]( support to Jenkins and requires Datical DB to be installed. # Screenshot Global Configuration: ![](docs/images/one.png) Project Configuration ![](docs/images/two.png) Advanced Project Configuration ![](docs/images/three.png) # Change Log ### Version 1.0.38 (May 18, 2015) - Added support for Convert SQL Groovy script. ### Version 1.0.35 (March 30, 2015) - Added support for Groovy scripts. ### Version 1.0.23 (October 6, 2014) - Added support for Check Rules. ### Version 1.0.22 (June 26, 2014) - Added support for Export SQL for Rollback. Previously, this was only available for Forecast and Deploy. ### Version 1.0.21 (June 19, 2014) - Added support for Export SQL and Export Rollback SQL ### Version 1.0.20 (Apr 28, 2014) - Added support for installing a License Key ### Version 1.0.19 (Apr 21, 2014) - Added support for newProject and newDBDef commands. Used for when you want to create a Datical DB project dynamically. ### Version 1.0.18 (Feb 17, 2014) - Added ability to set Project specific Datical DB Command and override Global setting. Useful for Master-Node installs. ### **Version 1.0.16 (Feb 14, 2014)** - Added support for Status Details action. ### **Version 1.0.15 (Feb 7, 2014)** - Added support for Rollback and Auto Rollback actions. ### Version 1.0.14 (Nov 12, 2013) - Replaced Radio Buttons with Select list. - Added support for Diff and History actions. ### Version 1.0.13 (Nov 8, 2013) - Fixed diffChangelog issue on Linux. ### Version 1.0.12 (Nov 2, 2013) - Added support for new diffChanglog functionality. ### Version 1.0.6 (Sep 24, 2013) - JENKINS-19667 - Fixed path issue on non-Windows platforms. ### Version 1.0.4 (Jun 17, 2013) - Initial Release