This plugin takes a war/ear file and deploys that to a running remote
application server at the end of a build. The implementation is based on
[Cargo]( The list of currently supported
containers include:

-   Tomcat 4.x/5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x/9.x
-   JBoss 3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/7.x
-   Glassfish 2.x/3.x/4.x

Refer to the [Deploy WebSphere
to deploy to a running remote WebSphere Application Server.  
Refer to the [WebLogic Deployer
to deploy to a running remote WebLogic Application Server.

#### How to rollback or redeploy a previous build

There may be several ways to accomplish this, but here is one suggested

1.  Install the [Copy Artifact
2.  Create a new job that you will trigger manually only when needed
3.  Configure this job with a build parameter of type "Build selector
    for Copy Artifact", and a copy artifact build step using "Specified
    by build parameter" to select the build.
4.  Add a post-build action to deploy the artifact that was copied from
    the other job

Now when you trigger this job you can enter the build number (or use any
other available selector) to select which build to redeploy. Thanks to
Helge Taubert for this idea.

## Change Log

##### Version 1.14 (Jul 24, 2019)

-   deployment plugin does not show any error message when the war file
    does not exist

-   Nothing happens after build

-   Add Deployment feature for Tomcat 9

-   Tomcat deploy transfer speed

-   Add support for Jenkins Pipeline

-   Allow expansion of environment variables in the configuration

##### Version 1.13 (August 7, 2017)

-   [Security

##### Version 1.10 (Jul 2, 2014)

-   Support deployment to multiple targets
-   Expand variable references in the context path
-   Added JBoss 6 and 7

##### Version 1.9 (Jun 11, 2012)

-   Password in config.xml is now scrambled ([pull
    -   This change is backward-compatible but is not forward-compatible
-   The context path can now also be spericied

##### Version 1.8 (Jun 28, 2011)

-   GlassFish v3 remote deployment ([pull

##### Version 1.7 (Mar 11, 2011)

-   Fix Tomcat 7 deployement url

##### Version 1.6 (Dec 10, 2010)

-   Added Tomcat 7 and GlassFish 3 support
-   Fixed bug in GlassFishAdapter, need to explicitly set the home on
    the container
-   Updated library to Cargo 1.0.4

##### Version 1.5 (Jan 16, 2010)

-   Support Ant style GLOBs for specifying war/ear files

##### Version 1.4 (Dec 30, 2009)

-   Update library to Cargo 1.0
-   Only deploy if the build was successful, unless "even when failed"
    option is checked
-   Check URL format when saving config
-   Update code for more recent Hudson
-   Add initial glassfish support

##### Version 1.3 (Aug 5, 2008)

-   This plugin didn't work on slaves

##### Version 1.2 (Jul 11, 2008)

-   Fixed the problem in submitting the configuration. Make sure to run
    this with 1.234 or later.