Jenkins plugin to have a bird's eye view of your continuous deployment pipeline. # Configuration 1. Install dependency plugins: 1. Open “**Manage Jenkins**” 2. Go to “**Available**” 3. Find and install [H2 Database Plugin]( "H2 Database Plugin") 2. Install plugin into Jenkins: 1. Open “**Manage Jenkins**” 2. Go to “**Available**” 3. Find and install [Deployment Sphere Plugin]( "Deployment Sphere Plugin") 3. Restart Jenkins 4. Additional menu item "**Deployment Sphere**" in the left navigation block should appear ![](docs/images/jenkins.png){height="300"} 5. Now you need to configure your Jenkins system: 1. Open “**Manage Jenkins**” 2. Open “**Configure system**” 3. Navigate to “**Deployment Sphere configuration**” to add **Applications** and **Environments** you're working with ![](docs/images/jenkins_apps_ens.png){width="300"} # Features - Collects application versions - Collects application versions deployments - Configures environments - Configures applications - Provides dashboard of deployed applications versions across environments # Usage 1. Create any type Jenkins project to collect Build Metadata by adding **post-build** action "**Collect Build Metadata**" and select **Application** that is being built by current project. ![](docs/images/build_job.png){width="300"}     ![](docs/images/build_project_2.png){width="300"} where \*"0.0. Unknown macro: {v} "\* is a version naming template that could be changed according to your convention. 2. Crate any type Jenkins project to collect Deploy Metadata by adding **post-build** action "**Collect Deploy Metadata**" and select **Application** that is being deployed by current project. ![](docs/images/jenkins_deploy.png){height="300"}     ![](docs/images/jenkins_select_app.png){width="300"} 3. Now build your application and go to deploy project ![](docs/images/jenkins_deploy_app.png){width="300"} 4. Select environment and application version you'd like to deploy ![](docs/images/jenkins_env_version.png){width="300"} 5. Now you can check out to what environment and what version of your application was deployed ![](docs/images/deployment_sphere.png) # Roadmap TODO # About This plugin is started as a hack-a-thon at the EPAM Grand Hackathon 2015 in Minks. It is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0. # Changelog TODO