Use Containers to setup build agents, without any constraint on images you can use. ## Objectives \- \[✓\] use ANY docker image, without any jenkins-specific prerequisite \- \[✓\] no SSHD inside container, no JNLP port exposed over the Internet \- \[✓\] compose your build *à la* docker-compose with a main build container and sidecar containers for test database, selenium browser, etc \- \[✓\] define container used for the build as a Dockerfile stored in project SCM - aka "*continuous delivery as code*" \- \[✓\] support Pipeline \- \[✓\] rely on docker volumes to offer workspace persistence between builds \- \[✓\] extensibility for various docker hosting solutions ## Configuration In your jobs, new option let you define your build environment as a combination of Docker images / Dockerfiles  ![](docs/images/Capture_d’écran_2015-09-25_à_17.10.26.png) ## History ###### 1.0.2 Fix support for Docker host credentials Add support for docker socket bind mount via a dedicated binding container. This let you run \`docker build\` from your build container ###### 1.0.1 Plugin has been moved to jenkinsci github organization so we can publish it in public update center ###### 0.5 - proof of concept This version has been released at DevoxxFrance while we demonstrated the plugin, so people can give it a try and let us know if it was useful ## Why ? Why (yet another) Docker plugin ? Most plugins around use docker as a lightweight virtual machine, but don't embrace containers paradigm shift and how they impact CI/CD.  This plugin has been designed as a pure experiment during [Docker Global Hack Day]( It's under active development. Plugin authors are CloudBees employees, but the plugin isn't a CloudBees product, please consider this as individuals public experiment. ## Read more on []( []( ![]( **Diagnostic** If something goes wrong (sic), please first run Jenkins master with `-Dit.dockins.dockerslaves.spi.DockerDriver.verbose=true` . This will dump in build log all docker commands ran by the plugin and help us understand the issue. Then, ask for assistance on jenkins-users mailing list and/or report a bug on []( ## Future There's many possible improvements / features we'd like to experiment. - integrate with Pipeline plugin, especially replace DurableTask by a docker based implementation, running docker commands detached (-d) and polling using docker API for execution status. Would need some way to replace the `sh` step execution - consider using a java based docker client for Docker API, so we don't rely on running external commands (and related threads usage) - integrate with docker orchestrators (amazon ECS, Kubernetes, Hyper\_ ...) as an alternative backend - offer isolated Docker host per build, typically relying on docker inside LXD containers. - Let build use of docker as part of the build (i.e. bind mount docker.sock in build container) - experiment with docker volume plugins (flocker) for workspace snapshoting and offline browsing of the exact workspace for a specific build. - experiment pipeline support for volumes - support docker 1.12 swarm mode [JENKINS-38203]( - expose docker.sock so build can run \`doker build\` (aka "inception") [JENKINS-37088](