Jenkins plugin for automated documentation uploading to Confluence.

## Usage

### [](

#### []( formats

supports [Markdown]( and [AsciiDoc](
Markdown support is provided by
awesome [flexmark-java]( library.
AsciiDoc is supported thanks
to [AsciidoctorJ]( Please
note that AsciiDoc support is very experimental.

#### []( matter

*Front matter* is another word for *metadata*, used by bloggers and
hipsters widely. Doktor uses front matter to configure the way pages
appear in Confluence.

##### [](

Doktor supports [YAML]( front matter in your
Markdown files. Front matter looks like a small YAML fragment at the
beginning of the file, separated by a triple minus sign (`---`) in this

    key: value

##### [](

Doktor supports [YAML]( front matter in your
AsciiDoc files as well. Front matter looks like a small YAML fragment at
the beginning of the file, separated by a triple minus sign (`---`) in
this case. Note, that due to a more strict YAML parser logic for
AsciiDoc, strings with special characters need to be quoted:

    key: value
    key_with_specials: 'value: with specials'

##### []( front matter attributes:

titleRequired. Page title, unsurprisingly.parentOptional. Parent page
title, if any. If omitted, "orphaned" page will be created. If parent
page is not found by title, child page will not be created at
all.labelsOptional. List of labels to add to a page.

#### [](

##### [](

Though Markdown does not have any support for tables, Doktor
supports [GitHub Flavored Markdown
You can also create tables by inlining XHTML markup directly in your

##### [](

AsciiDoc (thus Asciidoctor and AsciidoctorJ) [supports tables

#### [](

Doktor supports images. When an image is referred by relative URL it
will be uploaded to a Confluence server as an attachment of a page,
given unique name. When an image is referred by remote URL (Internet
link) it will be referred by this URL from a Confluence server.

##### [](

syntax]( for

    ![Millennium Falcon](./millennium_falcon.png "The Millennium Falcon, Han Solo's most prized possession")

##### [](

Images look
like [this]( is

    .The Millennium Falcon, Han Solo's most prized possession
    image::./millennium_falcon.png[Millennium Falcon,400,float="right",align="center"]

As you see, AsciiDoc is more feature-rich.

#### [](

Diagrams are only supported in AsciiDoc, the markup looks like this:

    seqdiag {
      // normal edge and doted edge
      A -> B [label = "normal edge"];
      B --> C [label = "dotted edge"];

      B <-- C [label = "return dotted edge"];
      A <- B [label = "return edge"];

      // asynchronus edge
      A ->> B [label = "asynchronus edge"];
      B -->> C [label = "asynchronus dotted edge"];

      B <<-- C [label = "return asynchronus doted edge"];
      A <<- B [label = "return asynchronus edge"];

      // self referenced edge
      A -> A [label = "self reference edge"];

The snippet above will be rendered in this image:


Read more about diagram syntax in [in the official AsciiDoc
guide]( Be warned, that
most types of diagrams require external tools (like `seqdiag` or `dot`)
to be installed and available on the `PATH`.

Currently, these diagrams are supported:

-   `actdiag` / `blockdiag` / `nwdiag` / `packetdiag` / `rackdiag` / `seqdiag`.
    These diagrams require [`blockdiag`]( and
    related Python packages to be available on the `PATH`.

-   [`ditaa`]( No additional tools

-   `graphviz`. Obviously,
    requires [Graphviz]( tool to be on
    the `PATH`.

-   `mermaid` Requires [mermaid]( (version
    prior to `7.x`) and [PhantomJS]( to be on
    the `PATH`.

-   [`plantuml`]( No additional tools needed.

### []( Confluence servers

As you might suspect, Confluence REST API requires authentication.
Doktor supports basic authentication (username and password). So, first
thing to do is to [configure
credentials]( in

Create a "Username with password" credentials to be used to authenticate
on Confluence server:


You may have as many Confluence servers and credentials for them as you

Next thing to do is to configure Confluence servers. Go to global
configuration screen ("Manage Jenkins" → "Configure System") and find
"Confluence Servers" section. Configure the list of available Confluence


Now, when you have some Confluence servers to publish documentation to,
it’s time test this plugin! Yes, I’m using word
"test" [intentionally]( here.

### []( step

Using Doktor with [pipelines]( is
very easy! Here is the full syntax of `doktor` step:

        server : 'Cantina', (1)
        markdownIncludePatterns: ['glob:**.md'], (2)
        markdownExcludePatterns: [''], (3)
        asciidocIncludePatterns: ['glob:**.adoc', 'glob:**.asc'], (4)
        asciidocExcludePatterns: ['glob:LICENSE.adoc', 'glob:CONTRIBUTING.asc'] (5)

1.  One of the available Confluence servers

2.  List of Java 8 [PathMatcher
    specifications]( for [Markdown]( files
    to include.

3.  List of Java 8 [PathMatcher
    specifications]( for [Markdown]( files
    to exclude.

4.  List of Java 8 [PathMatcher
    specifications]( for [AsciiDoc]( files
    to include.

5.  List of Java 8 [PathMatcher
    specifications]( for [AsciiDoc]( files
    to exclude.

You can also try your luck with "Snippet Generator", available
at `/pipeline-syntax` path of your Jenkins installation.

### []( builds

Doktor plays nice with "classic" builds too!


Click those question icons on the right if you need any help.

## [](

Doktor recreates pages instead of updating them. Recreating pages has
some counterintuitive effects:

-   Any modification will overridden on each Doktor run, obviously

-   Page likes are not preserved

-   Attachments are not preserved

-   There is no support for extra Confluence markup, macroses and
    features like comments

This may sound shocking to you, but let me explain.

Doktor’s idea is just uploading your documentation somewhere, making it
available to *read* by everybody. Doktor is not about collaborative
editing - use VCS for that. It’s a unidirectional flow - from sources to
rendered documents - by design. I was inspired by
GitHub’s [pages]( and [wikis](,
and I sincerely believe in this approach.

At the moment, Doktor supports only Confluence and may never support any
other services (unless my employer switches to another vendor).

## [](

Doktor is built
with [Kotlin](, [Gradle]( and
Love. Well, actually with hate to the workflows on my day-time job.

JPI artifact is produced with [Gradle’s JPI
plugin]( Read its
documentation to know more about supported features and options.

Also, take a look at [this awesome Jenkins
which is build with Gradle and Kotlin too!

### []( & running

Basically, `./gradlew --rerun-tasks clean jpi server` will spin up a
Jenkins with Doktor installed. `--rerun-tasks` is used to force clean
build every time because Gradle aggressively caches build outputs,
especially [Kotlin annotation processing
tool]( results. Feel
free to tweak CLI arguments, assuming you know what you do.

Debug is supported as well:

    GRADLE_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" ./gradlew --rerun-tasks clean jpi server

Omit `server` task if you just need a JPI file.

### []( on remote agents

Once you may want to test how Doktor behaves on agents. The simplest way
to do that is to run an agent in Docker. There are two images for agents

#### [](

[jenkinsci/slave]( is an image
meant to be run by Jenkins to start a new agent. The configuration is
very simple:


When you’re running Jenkins via Gradle JPI plugin it will be run under
you user account, so either your user needs to be able to
execute `sudo docker` without password or you will need to type that
password in Gradle’s terminal session.

#### [](

[jenkinsci/ssh-slave]( is
another (better) option. It allows you manage agent container separately
and then attach it to Jenkins, thus eliminating the need to provide any
password or execute `sudo docker`. Container’s mounts and FS
modifications will be preserved between Jenkins restarts.

First, you need to have an SSH key pair that will be used to connect to
the agent. Looks like only RSA keys are supported (public key must start
with `ssh-` prefix). Either [create a new
or use the existing.

Then, install [SSH Slaves
plugin]( on
the master.

Create new "SSH Username with private key" credentials:

[![ssh slave

You can paste private key directly here or use one of the defaults
(`~/.ssh/id_ecdsa`, `~/.ssh/id_rsa`, `~/.ssh/id_dsa`, `~/.ssh/identity`).

Next, start agent container by
executing `docker run --detach --name jenkins-slave jenkinsci/ssh-slave "$(cat ~/.ssh/"` (assuming
that `~/.ssh/` is a public key corresponding to the private
key from previous step).

Finally, create new agent with a configuration like this:


`` here is the IP of a Docker contaner from the previous
step, [found
in `docker inspect` output](
You could also run the container exposing the ports (e.g. `-p 2222:22`)
and then use `localhost` as host and `2222` as port.

### []( Confluence integration

You’ll need to refer to Confluence REST
API. [Here]( is the
link. [Samples]( are
also available.

#### [](

Probably, the easiest (and CPU / RAM saving) way to run Confluence is to
run it in the cloud (AWS EC2, DigitalOcean, …). Though, it will cost you
some money.

There is an [Ansible
script]( in
this repo to automate Confluence installation. It assumes that you
already have a running instance that meets [Confluence’s minimal system
Read your cloud provider’s documentation to know how to create and

When you have a VM, just follow these steps to install Confluence

1.  Create inventory file (`.ansible/inventory`) with a content like


    You might want to add additional parameters. For example, a set of
    parameters for Ubuntu 16.04 EC2 instance:

        [confluence] ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/confluence.pem ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3

    Or you can just use [dynamic

2.  Install required roles from [Ansible
    Galaxy]( `sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force`.

3.  After the inventory is configured, just run `./confluence.yml` from
    the `.ansible` directory.

4.  Go to `` (if the DNS and IPs are set)
    and configure the instance. Note, that you will need a license key
    (trial works for 90 days).

#### [](

You can run Confluence locally as well. The easiest way here
is [Docker]( (Windows uses should appreciate the

Running Confluence is as simple as:

    docker volume create --name confluence-data
    docker run --detach --volume confluence-data:/var/atlassian/application-data/confluence --name confluence --publish-all atlassian/confluence-server:latest

You might want to add some [additional
options]( or tweak the
existing ones.

Note, that you will need a license key (trial works for 90 days).