This plug-in makes it possible to show all the job tasks (builders, publishers, ...) to be executed as part of a build job. # Features This plugin enables you to run your job in a dry-run mode. If build step are dry-run aware (implements DryRun extension point), the dry-run execution is delegated to the build step. At the moment, the [Gradle Plugin]( and the [xUnit Plugin]( provide the dry-run feature. And we strongly recommend other plugins to implement the DryRun extension point. # Changelog ## 0.9 \* Fix [JENKINS-15171]( - The run button must respect the configured rights ## 0.8 \* Add a default Jenkins Result as SUCCESS for plugin using dry-un ## 0.7 \* Fix dry-run builders ## 0.6 \* Add a job property (Enable to choice different types of dry-run for the the job: runlisteners, buildwrappers, builders, ...) ## 0.5 \* Remove the dry-run for the maven job type (the maven job type Jenkins implementation is not suitable for a well dry-run) ## 0.4 \* Added dry-run for publishers ## 0.3 \* Added a badge action to the build history ## 0.2 \* Delegate dry-un to the build step if the build step extends DryRun extension point. ## 0.1 \* Initial version