This plugin allows you to add a column showing the recipients configured in email-ext-plugin for every project. ## Usage Create a brand new View or edit an old one and just add the column "Email Ext Recipients" from the list. If data cannot be obtained for a certain project, then "No data" will stand in the corresponding row and column. (Usually due to an error/exception in retrieving the information) If the Email-ext-plugin is not enabled for a certain project, then "Disabled" will stand in the corresponding row and column. **Important - in order to use this plugin you must have the ** **[Email-ext-plugin](** **installed.** ## Open issues type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error. [View these issues in Jira](,%20Open,%20Reopened%29%20ORDER%20BY%20priority,%20status,%20createdDate%20ASC&src=confmacro) ## Change log #### Version 1.0 - (18.04.2013) - First release. # About   The plugin is open source.