### About Adds Flyway as an available build step. See Flyway documentation at ### Installation Install the flyway-runner plugin. Install flyway on the server where your job will run, including any database driver. ### Configuration Add your Flyway installation in Manage Jenkins -\> Configure System. Note that the jar file containing your database driver should be located in FLYWAY\_HOME/lib. Once defined, you may select "Invoke Flyway" as the step for any Jenkins Job. ### Job DSL example: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre flywayRunner { name('flyway') command('migrate') url('jdbc:mysql://mysqlserver:3306/mydb') locations('filesystem:$WORKSPACE/dbscripts') credentialsId('44620c50-1589-4617-a677-7563985e46e1') } ``` ### Jenkins Pipeline example: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre flywayrunner installationName: 'flywaytool', flywayCommand: 'migrate', credentialsId: 'bef7d729-6c22-4782-93a1-c3284ed6ebd1', url: 'jdbc:mysql://', locations: '', commandLineArgs: '' ``` ### Release 1.9 (15 March 2017) - Added Symbols for Jenkins Pipeline support. ### Release 1.8 (24 February 2017) - \[JENKINS-41995\] Allow environment variables in flywayCommand. ### Release 1.7 (28 January 2017) - Added installation of flyway automatically from Maven central. ### Release 1.6 (15 October 2016) - Added support for Job DSL. ### Release 1.5 (3 October 2016) - Fixed null pointer exception when passing folder level credentials. ### Release 1.4 (28 July 2016) - Added Credentials plugin support to enter database credentials. ### Release 1.3 (27 May 2016) - Added support for pipeline ### Release 1.2 (10 April 2016) - Changed Password field type to Secret ### Release 1.1 (24 March 2016) - Resolving environment variables ### Release 1.0 (13 March 2016) - First public release