This plugin makes it possible to publish
[Gallio]([MbUnit]( test

Gallio/Mbunit reports are imported from each build into Jenkins so they
are displayed with a trend graph and details about which tests that

## Change Log

##### Version 1.8

\* Fix
[JENKINS-11599]( -
The error message is not reported when running MsTest with Gallio

##### Version 1.7

\* Upgrade to xUnit 1.90

##### Version 1.6

\* Upgraded to xUnit 1.23  
\* Merge pull request - add standard output

##### Version 1.5

-   Upgrade to xUnit 1.17
-   Built for Jenkins 1.410
-   Changed packaging procedure

##### Version 1.4.1

-   Upgraded to xUnit 1.16.1 for fixing the usage on a slave mode

##### Version 1.4

-   Upgraded to latest xUnit API 1.16

##### Version 1.3 (January 24, 2011)

-   Fixed
    [JENKINS-8207]( -
    Gallio/MbUnit 3.2.603 generated report is not being correctly parsed
    by the Gallio plugin.

##### Version 1.2 (January 23, 2011)

-   Updated to [xUnit
    1.13]( and its
    new new public API

##### Version 1.1 (September 08, 2010)

-   Updated to [xUnit

##### Version 1.0 (July 14, 2010)

-   Updated to the new [xUnit
    Gallio Hudson plugin uses xUnit 1.6

##### Version 0.70 (Feb 21, 2010)

-   Currenlty, the Gallio plugin extends the [xUnit
    Hudson]( plugin

##### Version 0.60 (Jan 31, 2010)

-   Update code for more recent Hudson

##### Version 0.52 (Apr 18, 2009)

-   First version (don't ask me why this version number