#### **Google Source Plugin** This plugin provides the credential provider to use Google Cloud Platform OAuth Credentials (provided by the [Google OAuth Credentials plugin](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Google+OAuth+Plugin)) to access source code from [https://source.developer.google.com](https://source.developer.google.com/) as well as https://\*.googlesource.com. It supports both kinds of credentials provided by [Google OAuth Credentials plugin](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Google+OAuth+Plugin) : **Google Service Account from metadata** as well as **Google Service Account from private key.** 1. In order to use a Git repository hosted on [https://source.developer.google.com](https://source.developer.google.com/), your credential will need the scope . Your service account will need to have access to the repository’s Google Cloud Platform project. 2. In order to use https://\*.googlesource.com, your credential will need the scope . Your service account will need to be whitelisted by the maintainers of that repository. #### Usage First, configure your OAuth credentials per instructions from Google OAuth Plugin. Then, when configuring the Git repository for your Jenkins job, if you enter a https://\*.googlesource.com address in the “Repository URL” text area, your Credentials drop box will automatically be populated with credentials having the scope Similarly, if you enter a [https://source.developer.google.com](https://source.developer.google.com/) Git repository, your Credentials box will be populated with credentials having the scope.  ![](docs/images/shot-2.png) Select the required credential, then your job is ready to go! **Version History** ###### **Version 0.1 (December 8, 2014)** \* **Initial release**