Provides "Groovy script to restrict where this project can be run" in job configuration pages. ## What's this? This plugin provides "Groovy script to restrict where this project can be run" to the job configuration page: - The value returned from the script is treated as a label expression. - This label expression overrides "Restrict where this project can be run", and "Slaves"/"Label-expression" axes of multi-configuration projects. - A non-string values is converted into a string with `toString()`. - Returning null or empty string does not override existing label expressions. - Following variables are binded to the Groovy script: - Parameters defined with "This build is parameterized". - Axes defined with a multi-configuration project. - Environment variables defined with plugins. - A build does not start (trigger is ignored) in following cases: - No groovy script is configured even though Groovy Label Assignment is enabled in the job. - The groovy script contains syntax errors. - The groovy script throws an exception at the runtime. ## Use cases ### Use case 1 Think a following scenario: - You have to build a project for multiple platforms: arm, win, linux - There are following nodes: | Node | Label | arm | win | linux | |-------|--------------|-----|-----|-------| | win1 | vs2010,armcc | O | O | X | | win2 | armcc | X | O | X | | linux | gcc | X | X | O | You can manage this by using multi-configuration project as followings: - Define a User-defined axis "platform": arm, win, linux - Define a Slaves axis "slave": armcc, vs2010, gcc - Define "Combination Filter" as following: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre (platform == "arm" && slave=="armcc") || (platform == "win" && slave=="vs2010") || (platform == "linux" && slave=="gcc") ``` Groovy Label Assignment plugin provides following alternate solution: - Define a User-defined axis "platform": arm, win, linux - Define "Groovy script to restrict where this project can be run": ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre def labelMap = [ arm: "armcc", win: "vs2010", linux: "gcc", ]; return labelMap.get(binding.getVariables().get("platform")); ``` ### Use case 2 Consider to create a job with which developers build a source tree. - You want developers can build both a release build and a snapshot with that job. Developers select release or snapshot when they trigger a build. - Release build must be built on nodes labeled "RELEASE" for releasing. Snapshot build must be built not on those nodes, but on other nodes. You can create a satisfying job by using Groovy Label Assignment plugin: - Parameterize the job. - Define a Boolen Value parameter "release", which specifies the triggering build is for release. - Define "Groovy script to restrict where this project can be run": ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre return (release == "true")?"RELEASE":"!RELEASE" ``` ## Limitations - Some variables may not be properly binded: - Some type of parameters may be not properly binded. - Environment variables of some type of plugins may be not properly binded. - This is for Groovy Label Assignment plugin works when a build is going to be created, and is not created. Parameters and plugins that refers build information does not work properly. - When Groovy Label Assignment plugin fails, a build is rejected silently. Failures happen in following cases. You can refer the system log to see why Groovy Label Assignment plugin failed. - Groovy script is not defined. - Groovy script contains syntax errors. - Groovy script failed at the runtime. - Especially in case referring non-binded variables. It often happens when running with multi-configuration project. In that case, you can access the variable safely as following: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre binding.getVariables().get("variable-name"); ``` - Returned value cannot be parsed as a label expression. ## Screenshots TODO ## Issues To report a bug or request an enhancement to this plugin please create a ticket in JIRA (you need to login or to sign up for an account). Also have a look on [How to report an issue]( - [Bug report](!init.jspa?pid=10172&issuetype=1&components=17655&priority=4&assignee=ikedam) - [Request or propose an improvement of existing feature](!init.jspa?pid=10172&issuetype=4&components=17655&priority=4) - [Request or propose a new feature](!init.jspa?pid=10172&issuetype=2&components=17655&priority=4) T P Key Summary Loading... Refresh ## How does this work? This plugin works as following: 1. When a new build is triggerd, `GroovyLabelAssignmentQueueDecisionHandler` is called. 2. If `GroovyLabelAssignmentProperty` is assigned to the job, call it. 3. `EnvironmentContributingAction#buildEnvVars()` is called for retrieving variables to bind to the Groovy script. - Parameters are defined here. 4. Retrieve axes values configured to that job and bind to the Groovy script. 5. Run Groovy script. 6. Parse returned value as a label expression. 7. Assign it with `LabelAssignmentAction`. ## Change Log ### Version 1.2.0 (May 8, 2016) - Now targets Jenkins 1.509 and later (was 1.466). - **Groovy scripts run with [Script Security Plugin](** ([JENKINS-27535]( - Existing scripts are configured to run in the Groovy sandboxes. - You may have to approve some methods to allow run in the sandbox, or approve your scripts to allow run out of the sandbox. - See [Script Security Plugin]( for details. ### Version 1.1.1 (Sep 13, 2015) - Fixed: fails to find nodes with a specified label when the label is once removed from all nodes ([JENKINS-30135]( ### Version 1.1.0 (Mar 21, 2015) - Expose current Jenkins job to the Groovy script as "currentJob" variable ([JENKINS-27424]( ### Version 1.0.0 (Jun 05, 2013) - Initial release.