This plugin provides [Groovy Remote Control]('s receiver, and allows to control external application from Jenkins. # Control Jenkins from Groovy ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre import groovyx.remote.client.RemoteControl import groovyx.remote.transport.http.HttpTransport def transport = new HttpTransport("http://your-jenkins/plugin/groovy-remote/") def remote = new RemoteControl(transport) // This code runs on local. def name = 'kiy0taka' println name def result = remote { // This clousre runs on Jenkins server. def version = jenkins.version.value println "Hi, ${name}!" // Return Jenkins version. return version } // This code runs on local. println "Jenkins version was ${result}." ``` # Control your Grails application from Jenkins 1. Install [Grails Remote Control plugin]( into your Grails application. 2. Register Remote Receiver to Jenkins. ![](docs/images/global.png) 3. Create Control Job, and add build step. ![](docs/images/config.png) # Release History ### Version 0.2 (Sep 12, 2012) - Support proxy. - Added HTTP header settings. - Fixed NoClassDefFoundError in RemoteBuilder. ### Version 0.1 (Aug 9, 2012) - Initial release