# DevOps Insights Overview

This plugin lets you integrate Jenkins with [IBM DevOps
DevOps Insights tracks your deployment risk based on the test data that
you publish to it. This test data may include unit tests, code coverage,
functional verification tests, SonarQube data, and scan data from IBM
Application Security on Cloud.  Once you publish this data, you can add
gates to your pipelines so that you can stop builds that don't meet risk

You can also use DevOps Insights to analyze your code repositories,
which can yield valuable information about error-prone files, commit
trends, and team dynamics.

Here is the Quality Dashboard view that shows which Applications perform
which type of tests.  For example, synthetic-agent does Code Coverage,
Unit Test, Functional Verification Test but does not perform SonarQube
tests.  From this view, you can also navigate to trends graph so that
you can see trends for a specific application for a specific test




The Quality Data Set view can show quality data by a specific branch. 
If you use multiple branches for various environments, you can view this
data by branch.

The tool lets you specify the types of tests (Data Sets) that you want
to represent in the system with just a few clicks.  In the above
screenshot, the user has created "Sandbox Unit Test", "Upgrade
Verification Test" etc. Once you define a Data Set, you can create a
policy with rules around the Data Set. Once you start populating data
for a Data Set, the Data Set will appear in the Quality Dashboard when
your pipeline runs.  You can also reorder the columns of the Quality


You can define one more policies that can be used to determine if a
specific build should be promoted to the next environment.  Since
applications in a project have different levels of maturity, you can
create separate policies for each application or even have multiple
policies for a single application.  Each policy has one or more rules. 

This is an example of a policy containing seven rules.




This is an example of a Code Coverage rule.



This is an example of a Unit Test rule:



You can also create rules on any custom Data Sets that you created.  For
example, if you created a Data Set for "Integration Test", you can
create a rule for that Data Set in your policies.


Here is a view that shows deployment risk associated with various
microservices that are deployed in an environment.



Here is a view that shows deployment risk.  This view shows all builds
that are in flight for a given Microservice and their deployment risk.  


Here is a view that shows deployment risk details for a specific
microservice and build.  At the top, the UI provides information about
last commit for the build and link to Jenkins for that specific build.


Then, the UI can show details of a specific test as well.  In some
cases, it will point to the original tool for details.


With this information on their fingertips, devops teams know which build
is deployed in which environment, the quality of each build, link to
commits and automated risk analysis based on the thresholds that an
admin sets.   All stakeholders can have access to this information to
view how their development teams are performing.


You can also view trends for unit test and functional verification tests
for the builds that are from a certain branch or deployed to a certain
environment.  For example, you can see test trends for builds from the
master branch.  If some tests have been failing for builds that went to
production, you may want to take some action.  Also, if number of tests
are dwindling over time, that may also be a cause for concern.



You can also view code coverage trends for the builds that are deployed
to a certain environment.  For example, you can see code coverage trends
for builds that went to production.  Ideally, you should see that code
coverage improve over time for builds that went to production.  If code
coverage has been going down, you may want to take action.



You can also view deployment frequency trends for your production,
staging or other environments.  This view also shows deployment success
and failures.  You can click on a point of interest and see deployment
details.  If yours is an agile team, you should see the deployment
frequency trends go up.



You can also view build frequency trends for your long running branches.
 This view also shows build success and failures.  You can click on a
point of interest and see build details.  If yours is an agile team, you
should see a lot of daily builds on the integration branch.  Otherwise,
your team is not merging their code frequently.



# Supported Tools and Formats

We currently support the following test formats.

| Type                             | Formats                                                    |
| Unit Test                        | JUnit (json), xUnit (xml), Mocha (json), KarmaMocha (json) |
| Function Tests                   | JUnit (json), xUnit (xml), Mocha (json), KarmaMocha (json) |
| Code Coverage                    | Cobertura (xml), lcov, Istanbul (json), JaCoCo (xml)       |
| Sonarqube                        | Sonarqube                                                  |
| Static Security Scan             | IBM Application Security on Cloud (xml)                    |
| Dynamic Security Scan            | IBM Application Security on Cloud (xml)                    |
| IBM Vulnerability Advisor        | IBM Vulnerability Advisor (json)                           |
| Custom Data Sets - Tests         | JUnit (json), xUnit (xml), Mocha (json), KarmaMocha (json) |
| Custom Data Sets - Code Coverage | Cobertura (xml), lcov, Istanbul (json), JaCoCo (xml)       |


For golang [gocov](https://github.com/axw/gocov/) users, please convert
to Cobertura using [gocov XML(Cobertura)

# Connect with Us

For a demo and technical deep dive, please connect with Vijay Aggarwal
via [Linked In](https://www.linkedin.com/in/vijay-aggarwal/) or via

# Sample Pipelines and Code

Here are two complete pipeline examples defined as [declarative
Jenkinsfile](https://github.com/jenkinsci/ibm-cloud-devops-plugin/blob/master/Declarative-Jenkinsfile) and
a [scripted

This [git repo](https://github.com/devops-insights/DemoDRA) contains a
sample nodejs application code and tests, as well as a Jenkinsfile, you
can play with it by simply forking this repo and modifying the
Jenkinsfile to replace all the placeholder with your actual information.
(Note: if you don't have NodeJS installed in your Jenkins environment,
you might have to install the node.js Jenkins plugin. If you do have
NodeJS installed, you can comment out the "tools" section in the

# Prerequisites

At a high level, here are the integration steps.  These steps are
described later in this document.

-   An IBM Cloud account. [Create account](https://console.bluemix.net/)
-   A DevOps toolchain. Learn more about [toolchains
-   The Jenkins plugin. [Install
-   DevOps Insights

# Creating a toolchain

Before you can integrate DevOps Insights with a Jenkins project, you
must create a toolchain and add the DevOps Insights and Jenkins tools to
First, create an empty toolchain that you can add tools to. 

1.  Go to the [Create a Toolchain

2.  Under Other Templates, click the **Build your own
    toolchain** template.

3.  Name the toolchain and click **Create**. 

Next, add the DevOps Insights and Jenkins tools to your toolchain. 

1.  On the toolchain's Overview page, click **Add a tool.**

2.  Click the **DevOps Insights** tile, and then click **Create
3.  On the toolchain's Overview page, click **Add a tool** again.
4.  Click the **Jenkins** tile. 
5.  Enter the name and URL for your existing Jenkins project. 
6.  Click **Create Integration. **

You now have a toolchain that lets use DevOps Insights with Jenkins.

# Integrating Jenkins Pipeline with DevOps Insights

1.  Install this plugin using the plugin manager
    (<https://plugins.jenkins.io/ibm-cloud-devops>). This plugin
    both [declarative](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#declarative-pipeline) or [scripted](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#scripted-pipeline) formats.
     It also supports Jenkins jobs.
2.  Connect your application

Open the pipeline definition or script and add these environment

In the definition, add the following environment variables. These
variables are required for the pipeline to integrate with DevOps


Tip: See the [Jenkins pipeline
documentation](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/tour/environment/#credentials-in-the-environment) for
more information about the `credentials` command.

Tip: If you are using the the scripted pipeline format, set your
credentials with `withCredentials` and your environment
with `withEnv` instead of `credentials` and `environment`, which are
used in the example below. See [the Jenkins
documentation](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/credentials-binding/) for
more about `withCredentials`.


These environment variables and credentials are used by the IBM Cloud
DevOps plugin to interact with DevOps Insights. Here is an example of
setting them in the declarative pipeline format.

``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
environment {
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_API_KEY = credentials('BM_API_KEY')
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_APP_NAME = 'Weather-App'
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_TOOLCHAIN_ID = '1111111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-333333333'

## Adding Cloud DevOps steps

The Cloud DevOps plugin adds four steps to Jenkins pipelines for you to
use. Use these steps in your pipelines to interact with DevOps Insights.

-   `publishBuildRecord`, which publishes build information to DevOps
-   `publishTestResult`, which publishes test results to DevOps Insights
-   `publishDeployRecord`, which publishes deployment records to DevOps
-   `evaluateGate`, which enforces DevOps Insights policies

Add these steps to your pipeline definition wherever you need them to
run. For example, you might upload test results after running a test,
and then evaluate those results at a gate after they are uploaded.

Tip: by default, the version number is set to be {pipeline name}:{build
number}, you can also set the custom version number in each step

### Publishing build records

Publish build records with the `publishBuildRecord` step. This step
requires four parameters. It can also accept one optional parameter.


Here are the parameters in an example command:


Tip: Jenkins Pipeline does not expose Git information as environment
variables. You can get the Git commit ID by using the
command `sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()`.


### Publishing test results


Publish build records with the `publishTestResult` step. This step
requires two parameters. It can also accept one optional parameter.





Here are the parameters in example commands. The first command publishes
Mocha unit test results, and the second command publishes code coverage
test results.

``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
publishTestResult type:'unittest', fileLocation: './mochatest.json'
publishTestResult type:'code', fileLocation: './tests/coverage/reports/coverage-summary.json'
publishTestResult type:'fvt', fileLocation: './mochafvt.json', environment: 'STAGING'
publishTestResult type:'staticsecurityscan', fileLocation: './static-result.xml'
publishTestResult type:'dynamicsecurityscan', fileLocation: './dynamic-result.xml'
publishTestResult type:'vulnerabilityadvisor', fileLocation: './vulnerability-advisor.json'

###  Publishing SonarQube results

After you configure a SonarQube scanner and server by following the
instructions in the [SonarQube
you can publish scan results to DevOps Insights.

To configure your Jenkins Pipeline to accept these results, add the
following three required parameters and one optional parameter to it:




Here are the SonarQube parameters used in a sample stage:

``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
stage ('SonarQube analysis') {
    steps {
        script {
            def scannerHome = tool 'Default SQ Scanner';
            withSonarQubeEnv('Default SQ Server') {
                env.SQ_HOST_URL = SONAR_HOST_URL;
                env.SQ_PROJECT_KEY = "My Project Key";
                run SonarQube scan ...
stage ("SonarQube Quality Gate") {
     steps {
     post {
        always {
            publishSQResults SQHostURL: "${SQ_HOST_URL}", SQAuthToken: "${SQ_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN}", SQProjectKey:"${SQ_PROJECT_KEY}"

###  Publishing deployment records


Publish deployment records with the `publishDeployRecord` step. This
step requires two parameters. It can also accept two optional parameter.





Here are the parameters in example commands. The first command publishes
the deployment record for a staging environment; the second command
publishes the deployment record for a production environment.

``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
publishDeployRecord environment: "STAGING", appUrl: "http://staging-Weather-App.mybluemix.net", result:"SUCCESS"
publishDeployRecord environment: "PRODUCTION", appUrl: "http://Weather-App.mybluemix.net", result:"SUCCESS"


### Adding gates

The first step is to define Gate Policies.  Policies are sets of rules
that control the gates in your delivery pipeline. If your code does not
meet or exceed a policy that is enacted at a particular gate, the
deployment is halted to prevent risky changes from being released.


You define policies in DevOps Insights, rather than in Jenkins.


To open the DevOps Insights Policies page: 


1.  Open DevOps Insights and select Policies in the sidebar navigation.
2.  Select 'Create New Policy' and name your policy
3.  Add a rule. *(\*yes, the user will have to have data before they add
    a policy. It would be odd for them to add a policy on an application
    that has no test results. Plus, most users run tests for a while
    before adding a policy.)*
4.  Connect the Insights Policy to Gates in your pipeline.  




From here, you can define policies, add rules to them, and then add them
to gates in your Jenkins projects.   
For more information, see [Creating policies and
rules](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/DevOpsInsights/risk_policies.html#policies_and_rules) in
the Bluemix documentation. 


Once policies have been created, add gates to your pipeline by using
the `evaluateGate` command. Gates enforce DevOps Insights policies,
which set test requirements for build promotion. 

This step requires one parameters. It can also accept two optional




Here are the parameters in an example command. In this command, the
pipeline will continue running regardless of the gate's decision.

``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
evaluateGate policy: 'Weather App Policy', forceDecision: 'true'


### Communicating with toolchains

Send pipeline status to IBM Cloud DevOps toolchains by using
the `notifyOTC` command. To learn more about integrating Jenkins with
toolchains, see [Notifying
section below. 

This step requires two parameters and can take an additional optional


| Parameter    | Definition                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| `stageName`  | The current pipeline stage's name.                                                                                                                                                             |
| `status`     | The current pipeline stage's status. Using `SUCCESS`, `FAILURE`, or `ABORTED` will automatically trigger color highlighting in Slack.                                                          |
| `webhookUrl` | *Optional*: The webhook URL that is shown on your toolchain's Jenkins tile. If you include this parameter, its value overrides that of the `IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_WEBHOOKURL` environment variable. |



Here are examples of using the `notifyOTC` step in both declarative and
scripted pipeline definitions:


``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
notifyOTC stageName: "Deploy", status: "SUCCESS"


``` style-scope

# Integrating with freeform Jenkins projects

## Configuring Jenkins jobs for the Deployment Risk dashboard

After the plugin is installed, you can integrate DevOps Insights into
your Jenkins project.

Follow these steps to use DevOps Insights gates and dashboard with your

1.  Open the configuration of any jobs that you have, such as build,
    test, or deployment.

2.  Add a post-build action for the corresponding type:

    -   For build jobs, use **Publish build information to IBM Cloud

    -   For test jobs, use **Publish test result to IBM Cloud DevOps**.

    -   For SonarQube jobs, use **Publish SonarQube test result to IBM
        Cloud DevOps**.
    -   For deployment jobs, use **Publish deployment information to IBM
        Cloud DevOps**.

3.  Complete the required fields. These will vary depending on job type.

    -   From the **Credentials** list, select your IBM Cloud API key. If
        they are not saved in Jenkins, click **Add** to add and save
        them. You should use the "*secret text*" type to store your API
        key. Test your connection with Bluemix by clicking **Test

    -   In the **Build Job Name** field, specify your build job's name
        exactly as it is in Jenkins. If the build occurs with the test
        job, leave this field empty. If the build job occurs outside of
        Jenkins, select the **Builds are being done outside of
        Jenkins** check box and specify the build number and build URL.

    -   For the environment, if the tests are running in build stage,
        select only the build environment. If the tests are running in
        the deployment stage, select the deploy environment and specify
        the environment name. 

    -   For the **Result File Location** field, specify the result
        file's location. If the test doesn't generate a result file,
        leave this field empty. The plugin uploads a default result file
        that is based on the status of current test job.

    -   For the **SonarQube hostname** and **SonarQube authentication
        token** fields, specify the hostname and token that are
        configured on your SonarQube Server. For the **SonarQube project
        key** field, specify the project key of the SonarQube project
        that you wish to scan. 

    These images show example configurations:  
    ![Publish build
    information](docs/images/Upload-Build-Info.png "Publish build information"){width="550"}

    *Publish build information*


*Publish test result*


*Publish SonarQube test result*


**Publish deployment information**

**4. If you want to use DevOps Insights policy gates to control a
downstream deployment job, add a post-build action, **IBM Cloud DevOps
Gate**. Choose a policy and specify the scope of the test results. To
allow the policy gates to prevent downstream deployments, select
the **Fail the build based on the policy rules** check box. The
following image shows an example configuration:



5\. Run your Jenkins Build job.

6\. View the Risk Analysis dashboard by going to [IBM Cloud
DevOps](https://console.ng.bluemix.net/devops), selecting your
toolchain, and clicking DevOps Insights.


The Risk Analysis dashboard relies on the presence of a gate after a
staging deployment job. If you want to use the dashboard, make sure that
you have a gate after you deploy to the staging environment, but before
you deploy to a production environment.


# Notifying toolchains

You can configure your Jenkins jobs to send notifications to tools
integrated to your toolchain (e.g., Slack, PagerDuty), and use
traceability to track code deployments through tags, labels, and
comments in your Git repository (repo).


Both Freestyle projects and Pipeline are supported.

## Prerequisites

### Create a toolchain

Refer to [IBM Cloud
in order to create a tool chain  that will integrate your Jenkins server
to other tools such as Github, Insights, Slack and PagerDuty. 


-   Slack integration is detailed in the [IBM Cloud
-   PagerDuty integration is detailed in the [IBM Cloud

### Jenkins Webhook URL

1.  On your tool chain main page, click the 3 dots in top right corner
    of the Jenkins tile, and select configure.
2.  Take note - copy / paste it in a notepad - of the Generated
    toolchain webhook URL. Webhook URL uses a format like:  

### Add bluemix credentials to Jenkins

This configuration step is common to both Freestyle or Pipeline

1.  On the Manage Jenkins page, select Manage Credentials
2.  Scope: global
3.  Username: your IBM Cloud user id
4.  Password: corresponding password
6.  (optional) Description: IBM Cloud creds
7.  Save your changes

These credentials will be used in Freestyle or Pipeline jobs using the
credentials ID.


## Freestyle job

1.  Create a new Freestyle project
2.  Select "This project is parameterized".
3.  Add the String following parameters:

    | Name                             | Default Value                                          |
    | IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_ORG          | the IBM Cloud org where your application is deployed   |
    | IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_SPACE        | the IBM Cloud space where your application is deployed |
    | IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_APP\_NAME    | the name of your application as deployed to IBM Cloud  |
    | IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_WEBHOOK\_URL | the Jenkins webhook URLof your toolchain               |


4.  Source Code Management: select Git, and enter the URL and branch of
    the Git repository as configured in your toolchain.  
5.  Build triggers: select Poll SCM in order to start job automatically
    after a Git commit. Enter your schedule options.  
6.  Build Environment  
    - Select Use secret text(s) or file(s)  
    - Add Username and password (separated)  
    - Username Variable: IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_CREDS\_USR  
    - Password Variable: IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_CREDS\_PSW  
    - Credentials: select the IBM Cloud specific credentials you added
    to Jenkins server   
7.   Build step is not detailed here, as the script deploying your
    application to bluemix might be specific to your environment.  
     Below is a simple sample Shell script example that pushes your
    application to IBM Cloud. 

    ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
    cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net

8.  Post-build action: add the Notify OTC post-build action.
9.  Select the options matching your needs:  
    - Notify Slack on Job started, completed or finalized events,  
    - Notify PagerDuty on Job faliures only  
    - Select Track deployment of code changes to enable traceability to
    track code deployments through tags, labels, and comments in your
    Git repository.  
10. Save your changes.
11. You may test your Freestyle job by either:  
    - Jenkins: select "Build with parameters" and launch a build.  
    - Git: commit some changes and wait for SCM polling (if enabled) to
    pick up the changes and launch a build.


## Pipeline

1.  Create a new Pipeline.
2.  Deployment script is not detailed here. To use IBM Cloud DevOps with
    the Jenkins pipeline project, you can follow
    the [declarative](https://github.com/jenkinsci/ibm-cloud-devops-plugin/blob/master/Declarative-Jenkinsfile-With-OTCNotifications) and [scripted ](https://github.com/jenkinsci/ibm-cloud-devops-plugin/blob/master/Scripted-Jenkinsfile-With-OTCNotifications)examples

### Publish the status of your pipeline stages to your Bluemix Toolchain

Configure your Jenkins pipelines to send notifications to tools
integrated to your IBM Cloud Toolchain (e.g. Slack, PagerDuty).

-   Ensure you added the 5 required environment variables to your
    script, as detailed

    ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
    environment {
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_ORG = 'dlatest'
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_APP_NAME = 'Weather-V1'
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_TOOLCHAIN_ID = '1320cec1-daaa-4b63-bf06-7001364865d2'       

-   Use the **notifyOTC **command
-   (required) stageName - the name of the current pipeline stage.
-   (required) status - the completion status of the current pipeline
    stage. ('SUCCESS', 'FAILURE', and 'ABORTED' will be augmented with
-   (optional) webhookUrl - the webhook obtained from the Jenkins card
    on your toolchain.
-   Declarative Pipeline Example:  

    ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
    stage('Deploy') {
        steps {
        post {
            success {
                notifyOTC stageName: "Deploy", status: "SUCCESS"
            failure {
                notifyOTC stageName: "Deploy", status: "FAILURE"

### Track deployment of code changes

Configure your Jenkins pipelines to send deployable mapping messages to
your IBM Cloud toolchain,  
to track code deployments through tags, labels, and comments in your Git
Use this notification only for status 'SUCCESS'. Any other status will
be discarded.

-   Add a new environment variable to your script:  
    IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_SPACE: the IBM Cloud space where your
    application is deployed

    ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
    environment {
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_ORG = 'dlatest'
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_SPACE= 'production'
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_APP_NAME = 'Weather-V1'
        IBM_CLOUD_DEVOPS_TOOLCHAIN_ID = '1320cec1-daaa-4b63-bf06-7001364865d2'       

-   Use the **sendDeployableMessage **command
-   (required) status - the completion status of the current pipeline
    stage: 'SUCCESS'
-   (optional) webhookUrl - the webhook obtained from the Jenkins card
    on your toolchain.
-   Declarative Pipeline Example:  

    ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
    stage('Deploy') {
        steps {
        post {
            success {
                notifyOTC stageName: "Deploy", status: "SUCCESS"
                sendDeployableMessage status: "SUCCESS"
            failure {
                notifyOTC stageName: "Deploy", status: "FAILURE"



# Change Log

### Version 1.0 (May 16th, 2017)

-   First release.

### Version 1.0.1 (May 17th, 2017)

-   Updated description.

### Version 1.0.2 (May 25th, 2017)

-   Fixed URL encoding issue

### Version 1.0.3 (June 2nd, 2017)

-   Fixed URL encoding issue for policy dropdown list
-   Minor text fix in error message

### Version 1.1.0 (June 08, 2017)

-   Added Notifying toolchains section

### Version 1.1.2 (July 17, 2017)

-   Support custom build number 

### Version 1.1.3 (July 19, 2017)

-   Change minimum required Jenkins version

### Version 1.1.4 (July 24, 2017)

-   Change environment settings to be one single global configuration
    for all steps

### Version 1.1.5 (July 28, 2017)

-   Throw warnings instead of errors when fails to get Jenkins root url

### Version 1.1.6 (Aug 10, 2017)

-   Show missing required environment variables in error logs
-   Fix upload SonarQube result

### Version 1.1.7 (Sep 6, 2017)

-   Support log in using Bluemix API Key in the pipeline 
-   Support lcov format for code coverage results

### Version 1.1.8 (Sep 13, 2017)

-   Support environment variables for application name, org name in
    freestyle jobs

### Version 1.1.10 (Sep 19, 2017)

-   fix bug on uploading SonarQube result

### Version 1.1.11 (Sep 29, 2017)

-   Support Non-ASCII characters as Jenkins job name

### Version 1.1.12 (Oct 19, 2017)

-   Support upload security scan results

### Version 1.1.13 (Nov 3, 2017)

-   Adapt to the global console changes

### Version 1.1.14 (Jan 12, 2018)

-   Support custom quality data type

### Version 1.1.15 (Jan 18, 2018)

-   Support uploading large SonarQube data

### Version 1.1.16 (Jan 23, 2018)

-   Log errors such as the project key isn't found when publishing
    SonarQube results

### Version 1.1.17 (Jan 30, 2018)

-   handle the case when publishing SonarQube issues are over 10k limit

### Version 1.1.18 (Feb 22, 2018)

-   enhance error handling for publishing SonarQube issues

### Version 2.0.1 (Jun 21, 2018)

-   Add the support to IAM tokens
-   Remove the dependencies on the organization name and OTC
-   Minor bugs fixed and error messages enhance

### Version 2.0.2 (Aug 15, 2018)

-   Add the support to multiple regions
-   Better error message

### Version 2.0.3 (Sep 17, 2018)

-   Fix the policy link

### Version 2.0.4 (Sep 27, 2018)

-   Add the option to enable debug log

### Version 2.0.5 (Nov 15, 2018)

-   Fix policy dropdown for the freestyle job
-   Support custom data set for the freestyle job

### Version 2.0.6 (Nov 20, 2018)

-   Fix output urls

### Version 2.0.7 (Mar 12, 2019)

-   Added appName parameter to all the commands

### Version 2.0.9 (Mar 18, 2019)

-   Changed appName parameter applicationName parameter for all the
    commands. The environment variable IBM\_CLOUD\_DEVOPS\_APP\_NAME
    will be ignored if this parameter is set for any step job.

### Version 2.0.12 (Sep 18, 2019)

-   Changed Internal urls domain from bluemix.net to cloud.ibm.com