IvyTrigger provides polling mechanisms to poll an Ivy file and triggers a build if an Ivy dependency version has changed. ![](docs/images/ivy_trigger.png) # Features The plugin makes it possible to monitor the dependencies of an Ivy descriptor. For example, if a dependency has the following revision 'latest.release' or '2.+' and a new artifact has been deployed in the repository manager (managed by Ivy), a new build is scheduled. Note: The plugin uses only persistence in memory. There is no impact on the Jenkins infrastructure (no new files created). This plugin provides a polling typology among the [XTrigger Plugin](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/XTrigger+Plugin). # Changelog ## Release 0.34 \* Added option to control whether or not artifacts are downloaded \* Fix [JENKINS-28044](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-28044) - IvyTrigger plugin description indicates that it "has no impact on the Jenkins infrastructure", but it does download all dependencies to the local file system ## Release 0.33 \* Added ability to download Ivy settings through URL ## Release 0.32 \* Fix [JENKINS-19796](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-19796) - IvyTrigger fails on Jenkins 1.532 ## Release 0.31 \* Fix [JENKINS-19459](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-19459) - IvyTrigger reports [ERROR](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/IvyTrigger+Plugin#) - Polling error... ## Release 0.30 \* Update to xtrigger-lib 0.30 (Change locking object) ## Release 0.29 \* Fix NullPointerException when saving job config ## Release 0.27 & 0.28 \* Fix [JENKINS-17831](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-17831) - Update to latest xTrigger ## Release 0.26 \* Fix [JENKINS-17641](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-17641) - Unknown field 'logEnabled' in org.jenkinsci.lib.xtrigger.XTriggerCause ## Release 0.25 \* Fix [JENKINS-17831](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-17831) - Update to latest xTrigger ## Release 0.24 \* Add support for multiple properties files ## Release 0.23 \* set debug field in IvyTriggerEvaluator ## Release 0.22 \* Upgrade to xtrigger-lib 0.14 (more log) ## Release 0.21 \* Add extension capabilities (thanks to Stephen Slocum) ## Release 0.20 \* Fix temporary file deletion ## Release 0.19 \* Add a debug mode on demand for the resolution artifacts log ## Release 0.18 \* Fix check when there is no revision in the Ivy pattern (check on timestamp only) ## Release 0.17 \* Inject propoerties to ivysettings file for variable resolution ## Release 0.16 \* Fix settings resolutions variable ## Release 0.15 \* Update to xtrigger-lib 0.9 \* Fix [JENKINS-12992](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-12992) - Error - Job Copy & Saving Configuration when using Ivy Trigger Plugin (v0.14) \* Introduce a cache system at job level \* Enable to detect changes when no revision is used for a filesystem resolver ## Release 0.14 \* Update to xtrigger-lib 0.8 (Fix [JENKINS-12888](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-12888)) ## Release 0.13 \* Add error messages ## Release 0.12 \* Add a ivy properties content ## Release 0.11 \* Fix double startup ## Release 0.10 \* Update to xtrigger-lib 0.7 \* Can add variables to Ivy through a properties file ## Release 0.9 \* Update to xtrigger-lib 0.5 \* Update to envinject-lib 1.2 ## Release 0.8 \* Update to xtrigger-lib 0.3 \* Update to envinject-lib 1.0 ## Release 0.7 \* A job is not triggered when Jenkins is quieting down and is buildable ## Release 0.6 \* Migrate to xtrigger-lib ## Release 0.5 \* Environment variables are managed ## Release 0.4 \* Fix node running detection ## Release 0.3 \* Fix bug for a slave usage ## Release 0.2 \* Fix help messages ## Release 0.1 \* Initial release