This plugin lets you generate [JGiven]( reports as a post-build action. # Job DSL The current supported dsl is as follows: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre freeStyleJob('test-job') { publishers { jgivenReports { excludeEmptyScenarios() // Since 0.10 html { customCss 'some.css' customJs 'some.js' title 'My Custom Title' } results '**/*.json' } } } ``` # Changelog ### 0.10.0 (25.12.2015) - ![(warning)](docs/images/warning.svg) Custom Files (js/css) are now taken from the workspace of the build and the path is interpreted relative to the workspace of the build ([JENKINS-30981]( - Updated JGiven to 0.10.1 and added support to configure to exclude empty scenarios ([JENKINS-31337]( ### 0.9.1 (14.10.2015) - Updated JGiven to 0.9.1 - First two digits of the version now indicate the version of JGiven used ### 0.9.0 (11.10.2015) - Release failed - only SNAPSHOT was published ### 0.2 (25.9.2015) - Added support for the [Job DSL Plugin]( - Upgraded JGiven to 0.8.2 - Only one Html Report (= previously called Html5 report) is supported ### 0.1.1 (21.02.2015) - Renamed Plugin from jgiven-plugin to jgiven - existing installations need to install the new plugin and deinstall the old one. ### 0.1 (18.02.2015) - Initial Release