This plugin adds the ability to directly merge Subversion branches in
Jenkins. See <>

# Configuration

Configure your Subversion repository in the **Source Code
Management** section : this is the branch you want to merge to.

In the **Build Triggers** section, set a value in **Build
periodically**. Do not use **Poll SCM** !  

*Advice* : The merge to be effective should be run as often as possible.
For exemple set the Build periodically to *every hour*. This will
prevent conflicts as much as possible.

In the **Build** section, choose **Perform svn merge with Jigomerge**.


3 fields are mandatory :

-   source : the repository you want to merge from
-   username : the username to merge with
-   password

Optional fields :

-   one by one : if checked, one commit per revision merge
-   eager : if checked, try to merge revisions even if a previous one is
    conflicting. Use with caution !

# Usage


# **Roadmap**

-   add the ability, from the report view, when a conflict occurs, to
    choose to
    -   ignore a revision
    -   choose which revision to keep to resolve the conflict

# **Changelog**

##### **Release 0.8 (2015-08-18)**

-   Fix the groovy.lang.MissingMethodException while doing one-by-one
    merge <>

##### **Release 0.7 (2011-07-08)**

-   display error stacktraces
-   if conflicts remains, build is unstable and not in error anymore
-   ability to declare a svn commit comment prefix
-   update to jigomerge script 2.2.6

##### **Release 0.6 (2011-04-30)**

-   ability to specify dryRun and verbose
-   ability to configure ignore merge patterns
-   update to jigomerge script 2.2.5

##### **Release 0.5 (2011-04-26)**

-   update to jigomerge script 2.2.4

##### **Release 0.3 and 0.4 (2011-04-19)**

-   validation script was not persisted

##### **Release 0.2 (2011-03-19)**

-   handle unbreakable merge feature with parameter "validation script"

##### **Release 0.1 (2011-03-13)**

-   initial release
-   jigomerge-plugin 0.1 uses jigomerge in version 2.2.3