Visually explore your [JMH]( benchmarks on [Jenkins](! # Features - Visualize the results of your [JMH]( benchmarks via embedded [jmh-visualizer]( - Project page report - Run page report # Changelog - 0.9 On pair with jmh-visualizer-0.9.1  -   - Support for Job DSL - 0.8 On pair with jmh-visualizer-0.8 - Revamped Summary page - 0.7 On pair with jmh-visualizer-0.7 - Support multiple runs in project view - 0.6 On pair with jmh-visualizer-0.6 - 0.5.1 Add support for folder jobs - 0.5 On pair with jmh-visualizer-0.5 - Support for using JMH-Report on pipeline projects (Upgraded minimum Jenkins version from 2.0 to 2.4) - Fix erroneous context path handling which prevented the proper load of the reports - 0.4.2 Initial Release [Version Archive]( The plugin makes use of [jmh-visualizer project]( The version number correspond to its releases. So jmh-report-plugin 0.4.2 makes use of jmh-visualizer 0.4.2. # Requirements - Jenkins 2.4 or newer is required. - The project you want the reporting on should: - Execute the JMH benchmarks - Store the benchmarks results in JSON format in any folder # How to's ## Setup in pipeline project You can setup jmh-report as a pipeline step: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre jmhReport 'build/reports/jmh/result.json' ``` OR ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre step([$class: 'RunPublisher', resultPath: 'build/reports/jmh/result.json']) ``` A complete pipeline could look as simple as that: node { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '']]]) sh './gradlew jmh -PincludePattern=".*DelegationBenchmark.*"' jmhReport 'caffeine/build/reports/jmh/results.json' } ## Setup with Job DSL jmhReport { resultPath('build/reports/jmh/result.json') } A complete job-dsl example could look like that: job('example-1') { steps { scm { git("", "master") } shell('./gradlew jmh -PincludePattern=".*DelegationBenchmark.*"') publishers { jmhReport { resultPath('build/reports/jmh/result.json') } } } } ## Setup in regular project You can setup jmh-report - i.e. in a freestyle project - by adding it as a post-build action. ![](docs/images/jmh-report-configuration.png){height="250"}