# Kafkalogs Plugin

This plugin adds support for streaming build console output to a kafka
server and topic. 

### Using in pipeline workflows

The build wrapper can be used to ship logs to kafka server and topic.

E.g., pipeline job "test" with build 40 ran with the following pipeline


``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
node {
    wrap([$class: 'KafkaBuildWrapper', kafkaServers: 'host1.example.com:9092,host2.example.com:9092', kafkaTopic: 'buildlogs', metadata:'Other info to send..']) {
        echo 'Hello World'
        echo 'Oh Hello'
        echo 'Finally'

Or you can use `withKafkaLog` structs syntax:


``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
node {
    withKafkaLog(kafkaServers: 'host1.example.com:9092,host2.example.com:9092', kafkaTopic: 'buildlogs', metadata:'Other info to send..') {
        echo 'Hello World'
        echo 'Oh Hello'
        echo 'Finally'


Would produce messages on kafka topic "buildlogs":


``` syntaxhighlighter-pre
{"build":40,"job":"test","message":"Hello World","metadata":"Other info to send.."}
{"build":40,"job":"test","message":"Oh Hello","metadata":"Other info to send.."}
{"build":40,"job":"test","message":"Finally","metadata":"Other info to send.."}

### Contribute

Fork me on Github at <https://github.com/jenkinsci/kafkalogs-plugin>