# Kafkalogs Plugin This plugin adds support for streaming build console output to a kafka server and topic. ### Using in pipeline workflows The build wrapper can be used to ship logs to kafka server and topic. E.g., pipeline job "test" with build 40 ran with the following pipeline script: **Usage** ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre node { wrap([$class: 'KafkaBuildWrapper', kafkaServers: 'host1.example.com:9092,host2.example.com:9092', kafkaTopic: 'buildlogs', metadata:'Other info to send..']) { echo 'Hello World' echo 'Oh Hello' echo 'Finally' } } ``` Or you can use `withKafkaLog` structs syntax: **Usage** ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre node { withKafkaLog(kafkaServers: 'host1.example.com:9092,host2.example.com:9092', kafkaTopic: 'buildlogs', metadata:'Other info to send..') { echo 'Hello World' echo 'Oh Hello' echo 'Finally' } } ``` Would produce messages on kafka topic "buildlogs": **Output** ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre {"build":40,"job":"test","message":"Hello World","metadata":"Other info to send.."} {"build":40,"job":"test","message":"Oh Hello","metadata":"Other info to send.."} {"build":40,"job":"test","message":"Finally","metadata":"Other info to send.."} ``` ### Contribute Fork me on Github at <https://github.com/jenkinsci/kafkalogs-plugin>