Integrates Jenkins with [Klaros-Testmanagement]( by publishing the test results of a build to the [Klaros-Testmanagement]( application. The test results will be stored in the [Klaros-Testmanagement]( database for further evaluation and reporting purposes. # How to install this plugin ## Using the interface The simplest way is by going to your installation's management screen and clicking there "Manage Plugins". (`http:``//yourhost/jenkins/pluginManager`). The web interface will then download `*.hpi` files from here, you will just need to restart your Jenkins instance to pick up the changes. ## Manual Installation [Download Site]( Save the downloaded `*.hpi` file into the `$JENKINS_HOME/plugins` directory. You will need then to restart Jenkins (many containers let you do this without restarting the container). # Configuration In the Jenkins system configuration you are able to specify one or more [Klaros-Testmanagement]( installations which you may publish test results to. The only configuration option is the URL of the application. ![](docs/images/Klaros-Testmanagement-InstallationSetup.png) In the Jenkins project configuration (under Post-build Actions) you can define the following parameters: - **Username**: Specify this if Klaros is configured to require authentication for test results imports - **Password**: Specify this if Klaros is configured to require authentication for test results imports - **Project ID**: The ID of the Klaros Project to store to - **Iteration ID**: The optional ID of the Klaros project iteration to which the test results should belong. - **Test Environment ID**: The ID of the Klaros test environment (OS etc.) - **System Under Test ID**: The ID of the Klaros system under test (Software version etc.) - **Create a test suite per result file**: If enabled, there will be a test suite and corresponding test suite result created in Klaros for each result file imported - **Test Report files**: Multiple Ant FileSet includes to the result files to be published ![](docs/images/Klaros-Testmanagement-ProjectSetup.png) # Notes If the exported test cases are not yet present in [Klaros-Testmanagement]( they are created automatically for the given project. This plugin requires [Klaros-Testmanagement]( version 2.2.1 or later. User authentication is supported starting from Klaros version 2.6. Starting with version 2.0.0 this plugin is no longer supporting Hudson. # Version History ### Version 2.0.0 (Jan 21, 2017) - when plugin is executed on a slave node ([JENKINS-34334]( ### Version 1.7 (Feb 16, 2016) - Extend the list of supported result file formats to the supported list of Klaros-Testmanagement 4.4 ([JENKINS-32973]( - NullpointerException in KlarosTestResultPublisher:752 ([JENKINS-32972]( ### Version 1.6 (Feb 15, 2016) - Support specifying result file formats during result publishing ([JENKINS-30369]( - Send additional build information while exporting test results ([JENKINS-30338]( - Support build environment and build parameter variables ([JENKINS-30337]( ### Version 1.5.1 (May 31, 2015) - Add proper migration of test result path settings for existing projects ([JENKINS-28659]( ### Version 1.5 (May 30, 2015) - Add support for iteration assignment of imported test runs ([JENKINS-28296]( - Support the creation of test suites on test result import ([JENKINS-27596]( - Do not try to export test results for canceled or broken builds ([JENKINS-27593]( - Support multiple test result set specifications for uploading ([JENKINS-27592]( - Whitespace at the end of input fields leads to bogus file upload ([JENKINS-15744]( ### Version 1.4 (Apr 15, 2011) - No longer tries to authenticate with an empty username when no name was specified - Remote Slave execution finally works ### Version 1.3 (Apr 08, 2011) - Fixes a problem when executed on a slave node ### Version 1.2 (Feb 14, 2011) - Update link in help ### Version 1.1 (Mar 19, 2010) - Support for the user authentication introduced in version 2.6 ### Version 1.0 (Oct 6, 2009) - Initial Release