This plugin posts build results to Lotus Connections. Each Lotus Connection update will contain the job name, build number, The number of tests executed, passed, failed and the pass rate (%). For example TT\_BVT\_WMB (96) : Tests Executed = 600 Tests Passed = 126 Tests Failed = 474 Pass Rate = 21.00 % The core workings came from a sample on this site [Updating your Lotus Connections microblog programmatically]( by Luis Benitez. ## Version 1.24 (Jan 10, 2014) - Added the feature to post to a Lotus Connections Community Forum. - Reverted the configuration to set the properties in a per-project manner, rather than global . ## Version 1.23 (Feb 19, 2013) - Updated the status message to include the build url. - Altered the configuration to set the properties in a global manner, rather than per-project. ## Version 1.22 (Feb 12, 2013) - Updated the dependencies to latest release of Adbera. ## Version 1.18 (Nov 7, 2012) - Altered the default message for builds with no test results. ## Version 1.17 (Nov 6, 2012) - Fixed up the release process. ## Version 1.14 (Nov 5, 2012) - Initial release