This plugin allows you to configure a mapping between usernames and email addresses. Then when plugins try to resolve a username to an email address, it will resolve using the provided address. # Configuration ### Global configuration The only configuration for this plugin is done via the global configuration. The map is the same syntax as a Java properties file, so anything that must be escaped for a Java properties file must be escaped in the user map. You can provide multiple usernames per line by separating them with a comma in the key of the property (escaping may be required). ![](docs/images/mailmap-resolver-config.png) # Open Issues type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error. [View these issues in Jira](,%20Open,%20Reopened%29%20ORDER%20BY%20priority,%20status,%20createdDate%20ASC&src=confmacro) # Version History #### 0.2 (January 16, 2014) - Fixed issue where settings were not propagated after Jenkins restart. #### 0.1 (January 12, 2014) - Initial release