Adds a Marathon Deployment post-build item that updates an application within a target Marathon instance.This can also be used within a workflow or pipeline plugin job. # Background Marathon is a production-grade container orchestration platform for Mesosphere's Datacenter Operating System (DCOS) and Apache Mesos. Marathon is a meta framework: you can start other Mesos frameworks such as Chronos or Storm with it to ensure they survive machine failures. It can launch anything that can be launched in a standard shell. In fact, you can even start other Marathon instances via Marathon. # Requirements This plugin requires a "marathon.json" file within a Job's working directory. It is recommended that this file be present within a project's code repository. ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre { "id": "/product/service/myApp", "cmd": "env && sleep 300", "cpus": 0.25, "mem": 16.0 } ``` # Workflow/Pipeline Plugin Support This plugin can be called as marathon(...) within a workflow job. ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre marathon( url: 'http://marathon-instance', id: 'someid', docker: 'mesosphere/jenkins-dev') ``` url is required and this still depends on a local "marathon.json" file. # Changelog See [Release Notes]( in the github wiki.