This plugin allow you to execute test using MSTest command line tool. ## Description This plugin allow you to execute test using MSTest command line tool. MSTest are test classes for .NET framework which are integrated into Visual Studio. You should use a plugin to process the result files, I recommend using [MSTest Jenkins Plugin]( You can read my post about [how to setup Jenkins with MSTest]( in my blog. ## Configuration To configure a MSTest installation, go to *Manage Jenkins -\> Configure System* (or *Manage Jenkins -\> Global Tool Configuration* in Jenkins 2.8, possibly earlier) and add a MSTest installation. **Name** is mandatory. If **Path to MSTest** is left blank, the default is *MSTest.exe*. ![](docs/images/install.png){width="680"} MSTestRunner can be used as a build step. The screenshot below shows the configuration parameters available where the **Test Files** and the **Result File Name** are mandatory. The MSTest Version is not mandatory. If the default is used, the plugin will look for *MSTest.exe*, so ideally it should be in the path. ![](docs/images/mstestrunner-config.png){width="680"} For further configuration tips, see each field's inline help. ## Version History ### Version 1.3.0 (25/05/2016) - [JENKINS-34392]( Upgrade to new plugin parent POM - [JENKINS-30457]( Relative paths to test files with dots failing. - [JENKINS-34378]( Validation for the test result filename field. ### Version 1.2.0 (09/12/2015) - [JENKINS-28869]( - Fixes problem with newline tokennization (thanks to Thomas Blitz) - [JENKINS-29389]( - Quotation marks for /testcategories argument, must beused only when multiple category was specifed (thanks to Nikolas Falco) - [JENKINS-29391]( - add support to full path in testFiles (thanks to Nikolas Falco) - [JENKINS-30292]( - Not visible in Conditional BuildStep Plugin (thanks to Ido Ran) ### Version 1.1.0 (06/04/2014) - Add Continue On Failed Test checkbox which allows to report success even when test have failed ([JENKINS-20367]( ### Version 1.0.1 (06/06/2013) - Use workspace path instead of module path to support multi-module build ([\#2]( by [blazee]( ### Version 1.0.0 (31/05/2013) - Path to test containers (DLLs) are allowed to have space in them. - Test containers can now only be separated with new lines because they are allowed to have space in them. - The license of this plugin is now MIT. ### Version 0.2.1 (09/14/2012) - Fix the bug in which the flag /noisolation was not added by default. - Add new option in MSTest config (Manage Jenkins -\> Configure System -\> MSTest) name Omit Noisolation. Checking this option will omit the /noisolation flag from the call to MSTest. ### Version 0.2 (09/02/2012) - Add parameter for running MSTest with or without isolation (thanks to [roicp]( [\#1]( Notice Due to update in version 0.2 the plugin do not add /noisolation flag by default which break MSTest on some systems. To work around this problem until then either downgrade to 0.1 or add /noisolation flag in Manage Jenkins -\> Configure System -\> MSTest -\> Default Paramters. You can upgrade to version 0.2.1 which fix the problem. ### Version 0.1 (01/15/2012) - Initial release