This plugin triggers/schedules a job to run when a multibranch workflow job is disabled or deleted. Essential use case is you have a multibranch job that spins up some infrastructure like a server, when the job is deleted this plugin enables you to tear down said infrastructure and clean up after yourself. ## Basic Setup There are three ways to use this plugin but they require that you create a job that accepts a String parameter of \`git\_url\` and \`branch\_name\`.![](docs/images/Screen_Shot_2018-10-26_at_10.54.06_AM.png){height="250"} ### Express Setup Simply create a job named \`job-tear-down-executor\` the plugin automatically detects if this job is present and will send all branch deletions to this job. ### Configure the Job In the global setting section of Jenkins you can configure the job name that should be executed if you don't want to call your job \`job-tear-down-executor\` ![](docs/images/Screen_Shot_2018-10-26_at_10.51.48_AM.png){width="800"} ### Customize for your pipeline If you need more fine tune control of which job to execute you can include the following in your pipeline.  **Pipeline Example** ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre //Scripted Pipelines properties([branchTearDownExecutor('my-special-job')]) //Declarative Pipelines options { branchTearDownExecutor 'my-special-job' } ``` ## Change Log 12 Dec 2018 - 1.1 - Filter out global shared pipeline library scm's from the teardown git\_url variable 26 Oct 2018 - 1.0 - Initial Version