This plugin allows for a job to publish an image generated [Packer]( ## Configuration ### System Configuration At the system level this plugin supports choosing a specific installable binary to use and a (optional) [packer template]( in the form of a text or file that is located on the slave node.  If utilized, jobs can share this global system-wide packer template and specify any necessary variables, which either replace or add to variables specified at the system level. Files can also be specified for items such as [x509 certs](, and these files are created temporarily for the packer execution and the file location bound to the specified variable for use within a template. ![](docs/images/packer_shot.jpg) ### Job Configuration At the job level this plugin can either use a global system-wide template for the chosen installation or packer template as text or a file.  As our available at the system level [variables]( and temporary files can be configured and referenced in the template. The plugin will automatically install the desired version of packer on the node. ![](docs/images/packer_plugin_job_shot.jpg) ##### Note: this plugin requires Jenkins running under a minimum of Java 7 ## **Changelog** ### **Release 1.5 (March 20, 2018)** - [ JENKINS-49715]( - Getting issue details... STATUS - increase prefix length for temp files ### Release 1.4 ![(question)](docs/images/help_16.svg) - Open requests - Packer Push support?  ### Release 1.3 (March 18, 2016) - ### Release 1.2 (May 18, 2015) - ### Release 1.0 (Apr 04, 2014) - Initial release