# Pegdown formatter plugin - Deprecated This plugin is deprecated. It has not been released in over 12 years. It has a known [security vulnerability](https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2019-08-07/#SECURITY-142). Instead use the [**Markdown formatter plugin**](https://plugins.jenkins.io/markdown-formatter/). ## Features - Use [PegDown](https://github.com/sirthias/pegdown) to format [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics) syntax in descriptions in Jenkins, eg, view, job, build, the system message, etc. - Disable HTML to prevent XSS - Enable/ disable all of the PegDown extensions ## Compatibility This plugin is compatible with any version of **Jenkins** (1.396+) ## Install This plugin can be installed from the Plugin Manager (Manage Jenkins \> Manage Plugins) under "User Interface". To install manually, download the latest plugin from <http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/plugins/pegdown-formatter/> and use the Upload Plugin option in the Advanced tab of the Plugin Manager. ## Configure In Manage Jenkins -\> Configure Global Security, select "Enable security". Next to Markup Formatter, select "PegDown" from the drop down list. To ensure that Jenkins does not lose configuration when you return to the Configure System page, make sure that you select one of the Security Realms. To leave Jenkins "open" select "Jenkins's own user database" and "Anyone can do anything" under Authorization. ###### SUPPRESS\_ALL\_HTML Select this option to strip HTML from the description fields ##### Advanced options Clicking on the Advanced button will reveal the following extensions which can be enabled/disabled individually. ###### ABBREVIATIONS ###### AUTOLINKS ###### DEFINITIONS ###### FENCED\_CODE\_BLOCKS ###### HARDWRAPS ###### NO\_FOLLOW\_LINKS ###### SMARTYPANTS ###### TABLES See the [PegDown GitHub page](https://github.com/sirthias/pegdown) for details of these extensions. ## Change log #### 1.3 (09/04/2012) - Enable the plugin to work with Jenkins 1.455 onwards [JENKINS-13111](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-13111) #### 1.2 (04/08/2011) - HTML syntax highlighting disabled when SUPPRESS\_ALL\_HTML is selected (in Jenkins 1.425+) #### 1.1 (26/07/2011) - Added the ABBREVIATIONS extension option #### 1.0 (26/07/2011) - Initial release Questions, Comments, Bugs and Feature Requests Please post questions or comments about this plugin to the [Jenkins User mailing list](http://jenkins-ci.org/content/mailing-lists). To report a bug or request an enhancement to this plugin please [create a ticket in JIRA](http://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS/component/15899).