This plugin allows you to capture reports from popular testing tools. Jenkins will generate graphic charts with the trend report of performance and robustness. It includes the feature of setting the final build status as good, unstable or failed, based on the reported error percentage. Report formats supported: - [JMeter]( "JMeter official web site") XML and CSV format, also Summarizer log output - [Taurus Tool Final Stats XML]( (through it, you can publish summaries from JMeter, Gatling, Grinder, Siege, ab, Selenium and [many others]( - [JUnit]( "JUnit official web site") format (used by SoapUI for example) - [Twitter's Iago]( - [wrk]( ## Documentation: - [How to Run Test with Performance Plugin]( - [How to Build Reports with Peformance Plugin]( - [Version History (Changelog)](