# Description This plugin triggers build using remote build message in RabbitMQ queue. # Usage This plugin needs [RabbitMQ Consumer Plugin](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/RabbitMQ+Consumer+Plugin). It would be installed by dependency for this plugin. Then you need to configure it before using this plugin. If you install this, **RabbitMQ Build Trigger** setting is added into your job project's build trigger section. please enable it then set your token. So build would be triggered if appropriate application message arrives. Also adds **Publish build result to RabbitMQ** to Post-build Actions in your job's configuration. If you set this action, build result message is published to your specified exchange or queue in RabbitMQ. Published message is the below: A published message has 3 properties. ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre content_type: application/json app_id: remote-build routingkey: ROUTINGKEY or org.jenkinsci.plugins.rabbitmqbuildtrigger ``` And has 1 key in message header. ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre jenkins-url: JENKINS_ROOT_URL ``` ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre { "project": "PROJECTNAME", "number": "BUILDNUMBER", "status": "SUCCESS|FAILURE|UNSTABLE.." } ``` # Application Message Format A message must have two properties. ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre content_type: application/json app_id: remote-build ``` ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre { "project": "RPROJECTNAME", "token": "TOKEN", "parameter": [ { "name": "PARAMETERNAME", "value": "VALUE" }, { "name": "PARAMETERNAME2", "value": "VALUE2" } ] } ``` name in each parameters is compared with existing parameter name by case-insensitive. # License MIT License. # Version history ## Version 2.5 (10/12/2017) - [PR\#5](https://github.com/jenkinsci/rabbitmq-build-trigger-plugin/pull/5): Add NullPointerException protection to the getProjectName in RemoteBuildTrigger - [PR\#7](https://github.com/jenkinsci/rabbitmq-build-trigger-plugin/pull/7): Workflow Job compatibility ## Version 2.4 (10/12/2017) - Deployment failed. skip. ## Version 2.3 (08/19/2014) - Add tests - Bump rabbitmq-consumer to 2.5 - Bump maven-release-plugin to 2.5 - Add dependency: Junit and JMockit - Remove feature which publishes message to queue directly - Publisher supports exchange type broker only - Trigger build with no parameter in message - Add routing key field to job config - If empty, default key will be used - Add Jenkins URL to published message header - Key: "jenkins-url" ## Version 2.2 (03/24/2014) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 2.2 - Bumped Java to 1.6 ## Version 2.1 (01/27/2014) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 2.1 - Bumped Jenkins to 1.532.1 ## Version 2.0 (01/14/2014) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 2.0 - Replace old interfaces to new one. ## Version 1.9 (07/23/2013) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.9 ## Version 1.8 (07/18/2013) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.8 - Add feature: publish message to queue directly ## Version 1.7 (07/17/2013) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.7 - Add RemoteBuildPublisher ## Version 1.6 (05/30/2013) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.6 - Improve locking opportunity ## Version 1.5 (05/30/2013) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.5 - More tolerant behavior on empty token ## Version 1.4 (04/16/2013) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.4 - Cleanup logging messages ## Version 1.3 (04/09/2013) - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.3 ## Version 1.2 (04/09/2013) - Fix "Cannot update token" issue. - Bumped consumer-plugin to 1.2 ## Version 1.1 (04/01/2013) Re-release ## Version 1.0 (04/01/2013) Initial release