## Description This plugin allow to create a build step which can publish a message to Rabbit MQ 2 parts : - Configuration of the Rabbit Host - Configuration of the step The message can be a raw json, or a simple string,  or a list a key/value which can be convert to a json string ## Usage ### System configuration add you connection configurations with the parameters : - name : label to select the desired configuration on the build step - host : the default host to use for connections - port : the default port to use for connections - username : the AMQP user name to use when connecting to the broker - password : the password to use when connecting to the broker Exemple :  ![](docs/images/conf_job-1.3.0.png){height="400"} ### Job configuration 1. Select the "Publish to Rabbit-MQ" step : ![](docs/images/image2018-4-3_12:4:40.png){height="250"}![](docs/images/conf_system_1.3.0.png){height="250"} 2. Add you configuration to publish your message  ![](docs/images/conf_job-1.3.0.png){height="400"} You can use build parameters (eg: ${FOO} or $FOO) which will be resolve before sending the message. You can also use ${BUILD\_USER\_ID} and ${BUILD\_USER\_NAME} to retrieve the informations from the user who launch the job. ### Version 1.3.1 (May 22,2019) - [Have a better compatibility with old Jenkins (tested back to 2.73)](https://github.com/jenkinsci/rabbitmq-publisher-plugin/pull/7) ### Version 1.3.0 (May 16,2019) - [Add a conversion flag that sends tidy JSON to RabbitMQ](https://github.com/jenkinsci/rabbitmq-publisher-plugin/pull/5) - [Add RabbitMQ VirtualHost parameter](https://github.com/jenkinsci/rabbitmq-publisher-plugin/pull/6) - Upgrade to last jenkins stable version (2.164) ### Version 1.2.1 (March 09,2019) - fix issues with latest Spring version by using previous versions ### Version 1.2.0 (March 02, 2019) - Enable environment variables in data - Adding ability to use a secure connection protocol - Destroy the connection after finishing sending message - Security issues fixing (SECURITY-848 & SECURITY-970) - Minor bugs fixes ### Version 1.0 (April 03, 2018) - first release