# Redmine Plugin This plugin integrates [Redmine](http://www.redmine.org/) into Jenkins (there's a [plugin for Redmine](http://d.hatena.ne.jp/couger/20090727) that integrates Jenkins from the Redmine side, too.)Redmine is a flexible project management web application. This plugin decorates Hudson "Changes" HTML to create links to your Redmine ticket. As an example, if you committed a change with the following log message: ``` syntaxhighlighter-pre refs 123 ``` Keyword that can be used( nnn is ticket number) - refs nnn   - references nnn   - IssueID nnn   - fixes nnn   - closes nnn   - \#nnn   - refs nnn,nnn,nnn ### Redmine REST API This plugin uses Redmine REST API - to enable it, login into your Redmine, navigate to Administration -\> Settings -\> Authentication, check "Enable REST web service" and Save. To use "Aggregate Redmine ticket metrics" you should provide API key assigned to existing Redmine user. Login as desired user, visit , copy key from "API access key" and paste it into job on Jenkins. # Changelog ### Version 0.21 (2017/08/20) - JENKINS-39887 - redmine plugin crashes blue ocean show more link - thanks @i386 - Fix typo in help files - thanks @kryger - Add Jenkinsfile to the plugin - thanks @ljader ### Version 0.20 (2016/10/25) - Encrypt db password and API key using Secret class - thanks @ljader - Allow empty Redmine version, which assumes latest version - thanks @yoichi - Look for a project by it's identifier and then by name - thanks @eivindt and @deveth0 - Improve description of fields in help files - thanks @ljader - Improve handling of self-signed Redmine sites - thanks @deveth0 and @ljader ### Version 0.15 (2013/08/31) **Ths version is NOT compatibile with previous version - jobs need to be reconfigured. Sorry!** - Redmine websites are now globally configured and only referenced in job settings - thanks @ljader - Redmine Repository browser path problem - thanks @ando-masaki & @yoichi - PostgreSQL isField fix - thanks @akallabeth ### Version 0.13 (2013/04/30) - Workaround to fix error with https connection - add redmine user auth ### Version 0.12 (2013/04/14) - include project name in redmine link - improve error message on invalid project name ### Version 0.11 (2012/10/28) - support latest redmine ( fix ticket url bug ) - add RedmineMetrics function ### Version 0.10 - move github ### Version 0.9 (2010/10/11) - fixed [JENKINS-5368](http://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-5368) ### Version 0.8 (2009/12/28) - Update uses of deprecated APIs ### Version 0.7 (2009/03/08) - compliant Redmine 0.8.1 - don't link to \#1,\#2,\#3 style bug fix ### Version 0.6 (2008/12/23) - don't link to redmine repository at repository browser ### Version 0.5 (2008/12/07) - compliant ticket number delimiter by & - don't use repository browser bug fix ### Version 0.4 (2008/11/19) - compliant ticket number delimiter by , ### Version 0.3 (2008/11/09) - add matching keyword fixes and closes ### Version 0.2 (2008/11/04) - first release # Ruby Logo This plugin use [ruby offical logo](http://www.ruby-assn.org/ruby-logo.html.en). Copyright (C) 2008 Ruby Association LLC