This plugin adds new actions on jobs for users to request that their jobs are renamed or deleted **This plugin is no longer maintained and has been deprecated. The functionality has been migrated onto the new [Requests Plugin]( Please download the new plugin from GitHub or search for “requests-plugin" under “Manage plugins/Available” on your Jenkins system to install it directly.** # About this plugin This plugin adds two new actions on jobs' screen, so that users who don't have the required permissions to rename and/or delete jobs can request the Jenkins administrator to do so. The Jenkins administrator then gets a dedicated screen to handle all the incoming requests. # How does it work? ## For users ### Renaming request Users who have the configure permission but not the create and delete ones can configure jobs but not rename them. With this plugin, they'll get a new **Ask for renaming** action on their jobs: ![](docs/images/ask-renaming-01.png) When clicking on it, they'll be presented with a screen that allows defining the new name for the job: ![](docs/images/ask-renaming-02.png) When clicking on the **Send request** button, a new item would appear in the administrator's management screen (cf. below) for him to perform (or not) the request. ### Deletion request Users who don't have the delete permission can't, of course, delete jobs. The plugin offers for them a new **Ask for deletion** action on their jobs: ![](docs/images/ask-deletion-01.png) When clicking on it, they'll be presented with a confirmation screen and, if the request for deletion is confirmed, a new item would appear in the administrator's management screen (cf. below) for him to perform (or not) the request. ## For administrators Administrators get a new **Pending renaming and deletion requests** entry in Jenkins' main configuration screen (**Manage Jenkins** \> **Configure System**): ![](docs/images/admin-01.png) This offers a screen which centralizes all renaming and deletion requests: ![](docs/images/admin-03.png) Administrators can then select a set of requests and apply or cancel them. # Version history ## Version 1.1.0 (03/01/2011) - Fixed [JENKINS-12897]( RROD enhancements: Sort requests, link to config.xml, etc. - "Pending renaming and deletion requests" screen enhancements - Displays the requests' creation date - A select All/None check box - An error messages box ## Version 1.0.2 (10/17/2011) - Fixed permission handling when using the [Role Strategy]( plugin ## Version 1.0.1 (10/07/2011) - Permissions were not properly handled when using projects-based ones ## Version 1.0 (09/08/2011) - Initial release