This plugin allows you to publish [scoverage]( results in Jenkins as a trend graph. # Configuration ## Freestyle 1. Enable "Publish Scoverage Report" in Post-build Actions. 2. Specify the location where the scoverage.xml report is generated (e.g. target/scala-2.10/scoverage-report, scoverage.xml). ![](docs/images/t.png) ## Pipeline `step([$class: 'ScoveragePublisher', reportDir: 'target/scala-2.11/scoverage-report', reportFile: 'scoverage.xml'])` # Example ![](docs/images/1.png) # Changelog ### v1.4.0 (Dec 19, 2018) - Fix ScoverageBuildAction for Jenkins 2.150.1+ ### v1.3.3 (July 5, 2017) - Fix path regex on Windows. ### v1.3.2 (Mar 10, 2017) - Fix HTML table alignment when coverage is close to even 100%. ### v1.3.1 (Oct 3, 2016) - Fix path handling on Windows. ### v1.3.0 (Nov 1, 2015) - Expose data to list view. - Jenkins version is updated to 1.609.1. ### v1.2.2 (Sep 24, 2015) - Fix duplicate charts. ### v1.2.1 (Sep 6, 2015) - Fix remote reports. - Jenkins version is updated to 1.596.2. ### v1.2.0 (Jul 4, 2015) - Support workflow plugin. - Jenkins version is updated to 1.580.1. ### v1.1.2 (Apr 13, 2015) - Add icon to Project and Build page. - Fix NPE when there's only 1 successful build. - Expose data to remote access API. ### v1.1.1 (Jan 28, 2015) - Make it work on Java 8. ### v1.1.0 (Jan 12, 2015) - Support both SBT and Maven. ### v1.0.2 (Apr 29, 2014) - Bug fix to copy HTML and XML reports separately, verified with scoverage 0.98.2. ### v1.0.1 (Apr 04, 2014) - Bug fix to support scoverage 0.95.9 and 0.98.0. ### v1.0 (Mar 22, 2014) - Initial release, for scoverage 0.95.7.