### Plugin info This Plugin was derived from the very cool [SCP Plugin](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/SCP+plugin).You can use the SSH Plugin to run shell commands on a remote machine via ssh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Usage First go to the global configuration page and add a SSH site. ![](docs/images/ssh-global-cfg.png){width="689" height="245"} For your job select a configured site and enter the shell commands that should be executed before and after the build. ![](docs/images/ssh-job-cfg.png) Log will look like this. ![](docs/images/ssh-job-log.png) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### TODO - i18n - we also need a post deploy script (ask some of the core team how to do that) - investigate stop behavior of Hudson jobs using the ssh Plugin - use same sites as scp plugin (plugin dependencies???) - ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Changelog ##### Version 2.6.1 (April 13 2018) - \[JENKINS-19973\] Option to hide ssh command in log ##### Version 2.6 (April 7 2018) - \[JENKINS-46172\] Handle NPE when not all fields are specified & save only properly configured sites - \[JENKINS-10128\] Set build to UNSTABLE when no SSH site is configured instead of NPE - Add Jenkinsfile to plugin - bump ssh-credentials dependency to 1.12 - Add ajax validation to essential ssh host fields INFO: the "Add Credentials" button for SSH Site **don't work** in recent Jenkins 2.x versions - this will be fixed in upcoming 3.0 version. (major version since plugin will have to migrate it's configuration to new format) ##### Version 2.5 (July 8 2017) - \[JENKINS-21436\] Integrate with the SSH Credentials Plugin; previous credentials are migrated - \[JENKINS-23231\] Add timeout parameter - \[JENKINS-24913\] Don't show sensitive build variables in console log - \[JENKINS-12191\] Restore resolving hostname from environment variables - \[JENKINS-12191\] Support build variables (substitution variables) during command execution (env variables are exported before the script) - \[JENKINS-24402\] Updated to latest version of JSch (0.1.54) to support modern algorithms - Pull JSch dependency via Jenkins hosted jsch-plugin to use recommended way of getting common dependencies in Jenkins - Set Jenkins 1.609.3 as the oldest supported version - Show warning for missing parameters during ajax form validation - Fix security issue Due to added integration with SSH Credentials Plugin, **this version might NOT be fully compatibile** with previous version. Sorry! Please **backup your org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.SSHBuildWrapper.xml** before upgrading to version 2.5.** ** ##### Version 2.4 (Jan 08 2014) - ability to use variables when defining SSH host - miscellaneous fixes - added keep alive interval ##### Version 2.3 (Sep 24 2012) - fixed [JENKINS-15265](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-15265) ##### Version 2.2 (Sep 03 2012) - fixed [JENKINS-15005](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-15005) and [JENKINS-14420](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-14420) ##### Version 2.1 (Aug 14 2012) - configurable pty mode ##### Version 2.0 (Jun 26, 2012) - support multiple sites on the same machine ##### Version 1.6 (Jun 24, 2012) - support parameterized builds ##### Version 1.3 (Jun 25, 2011) - Run script on build step. - Fixed [JENKINS-9240](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-9240) ##### Version 1.2 (Feb 17, 2011) - Fix to avoid executing empty script. ##### Version 1.1 (Jun 2, 2010) - Removed isEmpty() for 1.5 comp; better input areas ##### Version 1.0 (Feb 24, 2010) - Initial release.