Jenkins Plugin to Record Deployments in Stackify Retrace Deployment Tracking Overview: Sign Up for a Trial: ## Installation Manage Jenkins / Manage Plugins / Available Search for 'Stackify' and install the 'Stackify Deployment Recorder' plugin. ![](docs/images/stackify-deployment-recorder-install.png){height="150"} ## Usage Jenkins Job / Configure Add the 'Record deployment in Stackify Retrace' Post Build Action ![](docs/images/stackify-deployment-recorder-postbuildaction.png){height="250"} Fill in your Stackify API key first. You will then get a drop down list of applications to pick from. ![](docs/images/stackify-deployment-recorder-blankconfig.png){height="250"} The configuration defaults should be fine for a Git + Maven Java project. ![](docs/images/stackify-deployment-recorder-config.png){height="250"} Save your job configuration changes. ## Troubleshooting #### Job Log Jenkins Job / Console Output ![](docs/images/stackify-deployment-recorder-joblog.png){height="150"} #### System Log Manage Jenkins / System Log / Add new log recorder Name: Stackify Logger: org.jenkinsci.plugins.stackify ![](docs/images/stackify-deployment-recorder-systemlogrecorder.png){height="150"} Then you can view log messages from the Stackify plugin. ![](docs/images/stackify-deployment-recorder-systemlog.png){height="250"}