Automatically reverts SVN commits for a build if build status is changed from successful to unstable. Commits are only reverted if all files in the commit can be reverted, and if no files in the commit are changed during the build. ## Known limitations - It currently only works for jobs with a **single module**, or with multiple modules from the **same repository**. - If version controlled files are **changed** in the workspace, they may be **committed** when files are reverted. ## Configuration To enable for a job, add (or check) the post-build action "Revert commits that breaks the build". To disable reverting of multiple commits, check the option "Revert even if failing build contains multiple commits" in the global Jenkins configuration. ## Change Log ### 1.3 (September 10, 2012) - Claim plugin integration is optional, the plugin is no longer a required dependency ### 1.2 (September 5, 2012) - Added option to revert changes only if a broken build contains exactly one commit ### 1.1 (August 29, 2012) - Builds with a commit having "revert" somewhere in the commit message will no longer revert anything ### 1.0 (May 11, 2012) - First public release